Dr Martine Corompt
Ms Martine Corompt is a lecturer across first and second year students of Drawing, Painting and Media Arts, with a specific focus on moving image, animation and mixed media installation.
Personal Website
Research interests and affiliations
Martine has been working with moving image installation for over 15 years with a specific interest in researching aspects of animation, such as reductive representation, caricature and the animate space. Much of her work is collaborative and interdisciplinary, incorporating sound, space and moving image together, while also exploring ideas surrounding the direct relationship between spectator and artwork. During Martine’s PhD candidature at the VCA Melbourne University, she has been researching links between cartoon graphic reduction and modernist ideas of abstraction, minimalism and op art, reflecting the absorption of these fields into popular culture.
The work that has flowed out of this interest has taken the form of graphic print work and animation, utilizing a stylised, sometimes sparse aesthetic of black and white line. While the style and formal nature of the work borrows from popular animation, Op art and Minimalism, the themes of the artworks more directly refer to reduction as a cultural motif. Ideas such as the representation of bodies of water and aspects of the ‘natural’ landscape have both been used to probe this theme so far.
Research groups and projects
Martine is a member of the PG research group DARTS, coordinated by Dr Stephen Haley consisting of Post Graduate students currently working or studying within the VCA who share a digital ethos or component apparent in their work. DARTS members routinely meet to discuss work and principles that surround the discourse of art within higher spec personal computing.
Martine has recently founded a new public screen-space called Roundabout Projections - a public projection space in Melbourne's northern suburbs of Preston directly opposite Stop 37 of the 112 Tram. Operating between sunset and sunrise Roundabout Projections features moving image work of local and International artists. Round 1 features the work of Melbourne artists Rebecca Mayo, Kathleen McCann, and Clare Rae.
Areas of supervision: Fine Art, Moving Image, Installation, New Media.
Robyn Hosking, Master of Art - Inanimate animations: Carnivalesque reflections on the folly of the human condition
Ernesto Rios Lanz, PhD - Reconfiguring the Labyrinth: An Exploration of Traditional forms of the Labyrinth and the Maze through Contemporary Art Practices
Recent completions:
Kasia Lynch Master of Art - LIMINAL GYMNASIA: Explorations of creative and transformative potential in a sub-cultural sporting facility.
Recent achievements and grants
In 2013 Martine was commissioned by Regional Rail link for a public art project for Sunshine Railway Station. The project titled ‘Western Wilderness’ comprised of 9 graphic panels installed as part of the station overpass, depicting local indigenous flora of the Sunshine area. The project acknowledges that rail corridors and reserves are an important sanctuary for native wildlife, in particular the endangered Sunshine Orchid (Diuris fragrantissima).
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)
Master of Arts (Fine Art)
Corompt, M. 2012, 'Swarm', Place of Assembly, Schoolhouse studios Nicholson St Abbotsford, Melbourne, Australia
Corompt, M. 2012, 'Tide', Tide, Westspace, Melbourne, Australia
Corompt, M. and Orchard, S. 2010, 'In the garden', In the Garden, Life for Beginners, Melbourne, Australia
Corompt, M. 2009, 'Scared chair with anxious cat', Trouble in Toyland, Counihan Gallery, Victoria, Australia
Corompt, M. 2009, 'Fortune Teller', Sleeper, Sandown Park ticket booth Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Thomas, D. Corompt, M. Creek, G. Mannall, S. Left, R. Valentine, J. Paul, N. and Redmond, M. 2008, 'Case', A Commonplace Book An Attrium Research Project, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand
Corompt, M. and Brophy, P. 2006, 'No answer', Lush lane, Melbourne, Australia
- Corompt, M. (2018). Flash Training - a manifesto for better living In: 2018 Peel Street Projection Program Melbourne, Australia
- Corompt, M.,Brophy, P. (2015). Torrent In: Torrent Hobart, Tasmania
- Corompt, M. (2015). Look both ways In: Melbourne Art Tram Melbourne, Australia
- Corompt, M. (2015). Torrent - the endless storm In: Torrent Melbourne, Australia
- Corompt, M. (2014). Frankston Current In: Frankston Current Frankston, Australia
- Corompt, M. (2014). Jewell Portal In: Trainspotters Brunswick, Australia
- Corompt, M. (2013). M1 - Homeward In: Urban Screens Frankston, Australia
- Corompt, M. (2013). Western Wilderness In: Western Wilderness Melbourne, Australia
- Corompt, M. (2013). The morphological riddle of a cartoon hand In: Peer Reviewed Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference Popular Culture Association (PopCAANZ), Brisbane, Australia, 24 - 26 June, 2013
1 PhD Current Supervisions4 PhD Completions and 4 Masters by Research Completions
- The Waiting Room. Funded by: City of Melbourne Arts Grant from (2020 to 2020)
- Bienal de la Habana - Intercambio - a conversation between two trains. Funded by: VicArts Grants 2018 from (2018 to 2019)