Oliver Jones

Oliver Jones


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Oliver Jones profile photo he is smiling and wearing a button up shirt

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STEM | School of Science

Water: Effective Technologies and Tools (WETT) Research Centre 

Email: oliver.jones@rmit.edu.au

Phone: +61 39925 2632

Campus: Bundoora

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Oliver Jones profile photo he is smiling and wearing a button up shirt

Contact details

STEM | School of Science

Water: Effective Technologies and Tools (WETT) Research Centre 

Email: oliver.jones@rmit.edu.au

Phone: +61 39925 2632

Campus: Bundoora

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Oliver Jones is a Professor of Chemistry and internationally recognised expert in analytical science. He is passionate about using science to keep our environment safe.


Oliver grew up in Manchester England. He is a graduate of Imperial College London (PhD and MSc) and Queen Mary University of London (BSc Hons). Following his PhD in 2005, Oliver joined the University of Cambridge as a postdoctoral fellow until 2009. He then worked as a lecturer at the University of Durham before moving to RMIT in 2012 (to get a few years’ experience working abroad). Oliver has held several senior leadership positions at RMIT including Program Manager, HDR Manager, Discipline Leader and Deputy Director of the Water: Effective Technologies and Tools (WETT) Research Centre. He is the former Associate Dean (head) of the Biosciences and Food Technology Discipline (department).

Oliver has developed an international reputation for high quality research. He has broad, interdisciplinary interests across many areas of chemistry, (analytical, biological, environmental) and chemical/environmental engineering (water technology and hydrology) and a sideline in Forensic Science. His work has a focus on solving real world problems in collaboration with active industry engagement.
Oliver has received a number of awards for his research, including the ANZMAG Sir Paul Callaghan medal the SETAC AU Mid-career medal, the RACI Environmental Chemistry Medal and the Barry Inglis Medal from the National Measurement Institute. In 2019 he was listed as ‘Iridium’ on the IUPAC periodic table of outstanding younger chemists (one of only 118 people worldwide to be honoured in this way).

Oliver is also known for his work in Learning and Teaching and received an Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning in 2019. He has a particular interest in the innovative use of technology in Education and developed a game-based app “Chirality-2” to help teach Organic Chemistry. The app is available for free on both Apple and Google devices.

Oliver is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI, and an Associate Fellow of the Institution for Chemical Engineers (AFIChemE). He served on the Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Chemistry and was previously President of the Australian and New Zealand Metabolomics Network and a board member of the International Metabolomics Society, and the Australia and New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance. His is a current board member of the Australia and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry.

Oliver is also very keen to communicate science to the public and is a skilled media commentator. He has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers (Channel 9 News, ABC News, The Age, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, the Times Higher Education, and the Washington Post) and can be found promoting science on Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram and TikTok as @dr_oli_jones


Industry experience

Professor Jones has worked with a wide variety of Industry partners including the Water Industry, the Food Industry and the Victoria Police Forensic Services Department.



Oliver’s research expertise is in the field of Analytical Biological and Environmental Chemistry with interdisciplinary applications in biology, environmental science, water technology and forensic science. He is particularly interested in tracking the fate and behaviour of pollutants in the environment and determining their possible effects on biological systems.

Research keywords

Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Water Technology

Research output summary








Supervisor interest areas

  • Analytical chemistry (especially gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy)
  • Biochemistry (especially metabolomics and systems biology)
  • Environmental toxicology, particularly of contaminants of emerging concern
  • Fate and behaviour of environmental pollutants
  • New data processing techniques for NMR and mass spec data

Supervisor projects

  • Developing novel surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy based methods for the detection of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment.
  • Effects of exposure of model organisms to PFAS accumulation, mechanisms of toxicity, and potential degradation routes.
  • The missing pieces in the puzzle of peatland hydrology in the Alps
  • Investigations into the illicit synthesis of non-pharmeceutical fentanyl and its analogues
  • Raman spectroscopic investigation of radiation response to stereotactic body radiation therapy and microbeam radiation therapy

Feature publications

Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography: Principles and Practical Applications

1st edition, Springer, Singapore, 91pp.

Jones, O.A.H (2020).

Illuminating the Dark Metabolome to Advance the Molecular Characterisation of Biological Systems

Metabolomics, 14, 101

Jones, O.A.H (2018).

Using 3D Printing to Visualize 2D Chromatograms and NMR Spectra for the Classroom

Journal of Chemical Education 98, 1024-1030

Jones, O.A.H., Stevenson, P.G., Hameka, S.C., Osborne, D.A., Taylor, P.D. and Spencer, M.J.S. (2021).

Key publications by year

Edited Books

  • Beale, D.J., Hillyer, K.E., Warden, A.C., Jones, O.A.H. (Editors), (2022). Applied Environmental Metabolomics – Community Insights and Guidance from the Field. Academic Press Books – Elsevier, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. In Press

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Shah, R.M., Stephenson, S., Crosswell, J., Gorman, D., Hillyer, K.E., Palombo, E.A., Jones, O.A.H., Cook, S., Bodrossy, L., van de Kamp, J., Walsh, T.K., Bissett, A., Steven, A.D.L. and Beale, D.J. (2021). Omics-based ecosurveillance uncovers the influence of estuarine macrophytes on sediment microbial function and metabolic redundancy in a tropical ecosystem. Science of The Total Environment, 151175.
  • McCance, W., Jones, O.A.H., Cendón, D.I., Edwards, M., Surapaneni, A., Chadalavada, S. and Currell, M. (2021). Decoupling wastewater impacts from hydrogeochemical trends in impacted groundwater resources. Science of The Total Environment 774, 145781.
  • Wang, Y., Fan, L., Jones, O.A.H., Roddick, F., (2021) Quantification of seasonal photo-induced formation of reactive intermediates in a municipal sewage lagoon upon sunlight exposure. Science of The Total Environment, 774, 145781.
  • Shah, R.M., Hillyer, K.E., Stephenson, S., Crosswell, J., Karpe, A.V., Palombo, E.A., Jones, O.A.H., Gorman, D., Bodrossy, L., van de Kamp, J., Bissett, A., Whiteley, A.S., Steven, A.D.L. and Beale, D.J. (2021). Functional analysis of pristine estuarine marine sediments. Science of The Total Environment 781, 146526.
  • Parlindungan, E., Dekiwadia, C., Jones, O.A.H., (2021) Factors that influence growth and bacteriocin production in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum B21. Process Biochemistry. 107, 18-26.
  • Gunawardhana, M., Silvester, E., Jones, O.A.H. and Grover, S. (2021). Evapotranspiration and biogeochemical regulation in a mountain peatland: insights from eddy covariance and ionic balance measurements. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 36, 100851.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Stevenson, P.G., Hameka, S.C., Osborne, D.A., Taylor, P.D. and Spencer, M.J.S. (2021). Using 3D Printing to Visualize 2D Chromatograms and NMR Spectra for the Classroom. Journal of Chemical Education 98, 1024-1030.
  • Ovenden, S.P.B., McDowall, L.J., McKeown, H.E., McGill, N.W., Jones, O.A.H., Pearson, J.R., Petricevic, M., Rogers, M.L., Rook, T.J., Williams, J., Webster, R.L. and Zanatta, S.D. (2021). Investigating the chemical impurity profiles of fentanyl preparations and precursors to identify chemical attribution signatures for synthetic method attribution. Forensic Science International 321, 110742.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • McKeown, H.E., Rook, T.J., Pearson, J.R., Jones, O.A.H, (2020) Classification of fentanyl precursors by multivariate analysis of low-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data, Forensic Chemistry, 21, 100285
  • Pandohee, J., Hughes, J.G., Pearson, J.R., Jones, O.A.H. (2020). Chemical fingerprinting of petrochemicals for arson investigations using two-dimensional gas chromatography - flame ionisation detection and multivariate analysis. Science & Justice, 60 (4), 381-387.
  • Sinclair, G. M., Long, S. M., Jones, O. A. H., (2020). What are the effects of PFAS exposure at environmentally relevant concentrations? Chemosphere, 258, 127340.
  • Ong, T.T.X., Blanch, E.W., and Jones, O.A.H. (2020). Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in environmental analysis, monitoring and assessment. Science of The Total Environment 720, 137601
  • McCance, W., Jones, O.A.H., Surapaneni A., Currell, M., (2020). Characterising sources of groundwater contamination. Water e-Journal 2, 5.
  • Cowger, W., Booth, A.M.,Hamilton, B.M.,, Thaysen, C., Primpke, S., Munno, K., Lusher, A. L., Dehaut, A., Vaz, V. P., Liboiron, M., Devriese, L. I., Hermabessiere, L., Rochman, C., Athey, S.N., Lynch, J.M., De Frond, H., Gray, A., Jones, O.A.H., Brander, S., Steele, C., Moore, S., Sanchez, A., Nel, H., Reporting Guidelines to Increase the Reproducibility and Comparability of Research on Microplastics. (2020). Applied Spectroscopy 84, 1066-1077.
  • McCance, W., Jones, O.A.H., Cendón, D. I., Edwards, M., Surapaneni, A., Chadalavada, S., Wang, S., Currell, M., (2020). Combining environmental isotopes with Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) to characterise wastewater derived impacts on groundwater quality, (2020), Water Research, 182, 116036.
  • Collie, J.T.B., Greaves R.F., Jones O.A.H., Eastwood, G. and Bellomo, R. (2020). Vitamin C measurement in critical illness: challenges, methodologies and quality improvements. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 58, 4



  • Jones, O.A.H (2020), Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography: Principles and Practical Applications, 1st edition, Springer, Singapore, 91pp.


Refereed Journal Articles 

  • Alexandrou, L.D., Bowen, C. and Jones, O.A.H., (2019). Fast analysis of multiple haloacetic acids and nitrosamines in recycled and environmental waters using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with positive-negative switching Analytical Methods 11, 3793-3799
  • Sinclair, G.M., O’Brien, A.L., Keough, M., De Souza, D.P., Dayalan, S., Kanojia, K., Kouremenos, K., Tull, D.L., Coleman, R.A., Jones, O.A.H., and Long, S.M. (2019). Metabolite changes in an estuarine annelid following sublethal exposure to a mixture of zinc and boscalid. Metabolites, 9, 10,
  • Sinclair, G.M., O’Brien, A.L., Keough, M., De Souza, D.P., Dayalan, S., Kanojia, K., Kouremenos, K., Tull, D.L., Coleman, R.A., Jones, O.A.H., and Long, S.M. (2019). Using metabolomics to assess the sub-lethal effects of zinc and boscalid on an estuarine polychaete worm over time. Metabolomics 15, 108
  • Parlindungan, E., May, B.K., Jones, O.A.H., (2019) Metabolic Insights into the Effects of Nutrient Stress on Lactobacillus plantarum B21. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 6, 75
  • Parlindungan, E., Dekiwadia, C., May, B.K., Jones, O.A.H., (2019) Nutrient stress as a means to enhance the storage stability of spray dried microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum B21. LWT Food Science and Technology 111, 204-210.
  • Pandohee, J. Rees, R.J. Spencer, M.J.S Rayner, A and Jones, O.A.H., (2019) Combining computational and experimental approaches to select chromophores to enable the detection of fatty acids via HPLC. Analytical Methods 11, 2952-2959.
  • Pourjavaheri, F., Ostovar Pour, S., Jones, O.A.H., Smooker, P.M., Brkljača, R., Sherkat, F., Blanch, E.W., Gupta, A., Shanks, R.A., (2019) Extraction of keratin from waste chicken feathers using sodium sulfide and L-cysteine. Process Biochemistry, 82, 205-214.
  • Kwan, A.H., Mobli, M., Schirra, H.J., Wilson, J.C., Jones, O.A.H., (2019) Video with Impact: Access to the World’s Magnetic-Resonance Experts for the Scientific-Education Community. Journal of Chemical Education 96, 159-164.

Book Chapters

  • Alexandrou, L., Morrison, P.D., Meehan, B., Jones, O.A.H. (2018). Disinfection By-products in Recycled Waters. In: Pannirselvam, M., Shu, L., Griffin, G., Philip, L., Natarajan, A., Hussain, S. (Editors), Water Scarcity and Ways to Reduce the Impact: Management Strategies and Technologies for Zero Liquid Discharge and Future Smart Cities, Springer, Singapore, 135-149.
  • Beale, D.J., Jones, O.A.H., Karpe, A., Oh, D., White, I., Kouremenos, K., Palombo, E.A. (2018). Breathomics and its Application for Disease Diagnosis. In: Cumeras, R., Correig, X. (Editors), A Review of Analytical Techniques and Approaches. In Volatiles Metabolomics Analysis in Biomedical Diagnosis Applications. Apple Academic Press: New York, USA, 159-194.


Refereeed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H (2018) Illuminating the Dark Metabolome to Advance the Molecular Characterisation of Biological Systems. Metabolomics, 14, 101
  • McCance, W., Jones, O.A.H., Edwards, M., Surapaneni, A., Chadalavada, S. and Currell, M. (2018) Contaminants of Emerging Concern as novel groundwater tracers for delineating wastewater impacts in urban and peri-urban areas. Water Research 146, 118-133.
  • Beale, D.J., Pinu, F.R., Kouremenos, K.A., Poojary, M.M., Narayana, V.K., Boughton, B.A., Kanojia, K., Dayalan, S., Jones, O.A.H., Dias, D.A., (2018) Review of recent developments in GC-MS approaches to metabolomics-based research. Metabolomics 2018, 14, 152
  • Jones, O.A.H, Spichkova, M. and Spencer, M.J.S. (2018), Chirality-2: Development of a Multilevel Mobile Gaming App to Support the Teaching of Introductory Undergraduate-Level Organic Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Education 95, 1216–1220.
  • Jones, O.A.H, and Spencer, M.J.S. (2018), A Simplified Method for the 3D Printing of Molecular Models for Chemical Education. Journal of Chemical Education 95, 88-96.
  • McKeown, H.E., Rook, T.J., Pearson, J.R. and Jones, O.A.H (2018) Is Australia Ready for Fentanyl? Science & Justice, 58, 5, 366-371
  • Alexandrou, L., Meehan, B.J. and Jones, O.A.H. (2018) Regulated and Emerging Disinfection By-Products in Recycled Waters. Science of the Total Environment, 637, 1607-1616.
  • Collie, J.T., Massie, J., Jones, O.A.H., Morrison, P.D. and Greaves, R.F. (2018) Sweat Travels: The Issue of Sweat Chloride Transportation. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 56, e36-e38.
  • Parlindungan, E., Dekiwadia, C., Tran, K.T., Jones, O.A.H. and May, B.K. (2018) Morphological and Ultrastructural Changes in Lactobacillus plantarum B21 as an Indicator of Nutrient Stress. LWT Food Science and Technology, 92, 556-563.
  • Melvin, S.D., Jones, O.A.H, Carroll, A.R. and Leusch, F.D. (2018) 1H NMR-Based Metabolomics Reveals Interactive Effects Between the Carrier Solvent Methanol and a Pharmaceutical Mixture In An Amphibian Developmental Bioassay with Limnodynastes peronii. Chemosphere, 199, 372-381.
  • Ong, T.T., Blanch, E.W. and Jones, O.A.H. (2018) Predicted Environmental Concentration and Fate of The Top 10 Most Dispensed Australian Prescription Pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 10966-10976.
  • Pourjavaheri, F., Jones, O.A.H., Czajka, M., Martinez‐Pardo, I., Blanch, E.W. and Shanks, R.A. (2018) Design and Characterization of Sustainable Bio‐Composites from Waste Chicken Feather Keratin and Thermoplastic Polyurethane. Polymer Composites, 39, doi.org/10.1002/pc.24794.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Alexandrou, L.D., Meehan, B.J., Morrison, P.D., Jones, O.A.H. (2017). A New Method for the Fast Analysis of Trihalomethanes in Tap and Recycled Waters Using Headspace Gas Chromatography with Micro-Electron Capture Detection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 527 - doi:10.3390/ijerph14050527.
  • Oberegger, S.P., Jones, O.A.H., Spencer, M.J.S., (2017). Effect of Nanostructuring of ZnO for Gas Sensing of Nitrogen Dioxide. Computational Materials Science, 132, 104-115.
  • Pourjavaheri, F., Mohades, F., Jones, O.A.H., Sherkat, F., Kong, I., Gupta, A., Shanks, R.A. (2017) Avian Keratin Fibre-Based Bio-Composites. World Journal of Engineering, 14, 183-187.
  • Jones, O.A.H. (2017). Assessing Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Metabolomics. NIR News, 28, 15-19.
  • Jones, O.A.H. (2017). Food Contact Materials: A Cause for Concern in the Pulp and Paper Industry? Journal of the Technical Association of the Australian and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry, 70, 30-31.
  • Collie, J.T., Greaves, R.F., Jones, O.A.H., Lam, Q., Eastwood, G.M., Bellomo, R. (2017). Vitamin B1 in Critically Ill Patients: Needs and Challenges. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 55, 1652-1668.
  • Beale, D., Jones, O.A.H., Karpe, A., Dayalan, S., Oh, D., Kouremenos, K., Ahmed, W. and Palombo, E. (2017). A Review of Analytical Techniques and Their Application in Disease Diagnosis in Breathomics and Salivaomics Research. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18, 1-24.

Book Chapters

  • Jones, O.A.H., Lear, G., Weljie, A., Collins, G., Quince, C. (2016). Community Metabolomics in Environmental Microbiology. In: Palombo, E.A., Beale, D.J., Kouremenos, K.A. (Editors), Microbial Metabolomics: Applications in Clinical, Environmental, and Industrial Microbiology. Springer, Singapore, 199-224.
  • Alqahtani, N. K. Ashton, J., Katopo, L., Haque, E., Jones, O.A.H., Kasapis, S. (2016). Effect of Storage on the Textural Profile of Insoluble Fibre Incorporating UHT Beverages. In: Williams, P.A. and Phillips, G. (Editors), Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 18: Hydrocolloid Functionality for Affordable and Sustainable Global Food Solutions, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK, 295-304.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Burke, M. Small, D.M., Antolasic, F., Hughes, J.G., Spencer, M.J.S., Blanch, E.W., Jones, O.A.H. (2016). Infra-Red Spectroscopy-Based Metabolomic Analysis for the Detection of Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Grain. Cereal Chemistry, 93, 444-449.
  • Dias, D.A., Jones, O.A.H., Beale, D., Boughton, B., Benheim, D., Kouremenos, K., Wolfender, J., Wishart, D. (2016). Current and Future Perspectives on the Structural Identification of Small Molecules in Biological Systems. Metabolites, 6, 1-29.
  • Pandohee, J., Jones, O.A.H. (2016). Evaluation of New Micro Solid-Phase Extraction Cartridges For On-Column Derivatisation Reactions. Analytical Methods, 8, 1765-1769.
  • Dias, D.A., Kouremenos, K.A., Beale, D.J. Callahan, D.L., Jones, O.A.H. (2016). Metal and Metalloid Containing Natural Products and a Brief Overview of Their Applications in Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine. Biometals, 29, 1-13.
  • Kouremenos, K.A., Morrison, P.D., Jones, O.A.H., Marriott, P.J. (2016). Development of an Online LC-LVI-GC×GC System: Design and Preliminary Applications. Chromatographia, 79, 79-87.
  • Lavoie, M., Raven, J.A., Jones, O.A.H and Qian, H. (2016) Energy cost of intracellular metal and metalloid detoxification in wild-type eukaryotic phytoplankton. Metallomics 8, 1097-1109.
  • Plummer, C.M, Breadon, T.W., Pearson, J.A, Jones, O.A.H. (2016). The Synthesis and Characterisation of MDMA Derived from a Catalytic Oxidation of Material Isolated from Black Pepper Reveals Potential Route Specific Impurities. Science and Justice, 56, 223–230.
  • Collie, J.T., Massie, R.J., Jones, O.A.H., Morrison, P.D., Greaves, R.F. (2016). Candidate Reference Method Using ICP-MS for Sweat Chloride Quantification. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 54, 561-567.
  • Prajapati V.S, Purohit, H.J., Raje, D.V., Parmar, N., Patel A.B, Jones, O.A.H., Joshi, C.G. (2016). The Effect of a High-Roughage Diet on the Metabolism of Aromatic Compounds by Rumen Microbes: a Metagenomic Study Using Mehsani Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100, 1319-1331.
  • Alqahtani, N.K., Ashton, J., Katopo, L., Jones, O.A.H., Kasapis, S. (2016). Effect of Oat Particle Concentration and Size Distribution on the Phase Behaviour of Mixtures with Gelatin. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 4, 69-75.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Plummer, C.M., Kraft, P., Froese, J., Hudlický, T., Rook, T.J., Jones, O.A.H., Hügel, H.M., (2015). Synthesis and Olfactory Properties of 2-Substituted and 2,3-Annulated 1,4-Dioxepan-6-ones. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 4, 1075-1084.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Dias, D.A., Callahan, D.L., Kouremenos, K.A., Beale, D.J, Roessner, U. (2015). The Use of Metabolomics in the Study of Metals in Biological Systems. Metallomics, 7, 29-38.
  • Fransisca, Y., Small, D.M. Morrison, P.D., Ball, A.S., Jones, O.A.H. (2015). Assessment of Arsenic in Australian Grown and Imported Rice Varieties on Sale in Australia and Potential Links with Irrigation Practises and Soil Geochemistry. Chemosphere, 138, 1008–1013.
  • Pandohee, J., Stevenson, P.G., Zhou, Z-R., Spencer, M.J.S., Jones, O.A.H. (2015). Multi-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography and Metabolomics, Are Two Dimensions Better Than One? Current Metabolomics, 7, 1-10.
  • Pandohee, J., Stevenson, P.G. Conlan, X.A., Zhou, Z-R., Jones, O.A.H. (2015). Off-line Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography for Metabolomics: An Example Using Agaricus bisporus Mushrooms Exposed to UV Irradiation. Metabolomics, 11, 939-951.
  • Pandohee, J. Holland, B.J., Li, B., Tsuzuki, T., Stevenson, P.G., Barnett, N.W., Pearson, J.R., Jones, O.A.H., Conlan, X.A. (2015). Screening of Cannabinoids in Industrial-Grade Hemp Using Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Acidic Potassium Permanganate Chemiluminescence Detection. Journal of Separation Science, 38, 2024-2032.
  • Alexandrou, L., Morrison, P.D., Meehan, B., Jones, O.A.H. (2015). Micro Versus Macro Solid Phase Extraction for Monitoring Water Contaminants: A Preliminary Study Using Trihalomethanes. Science of The Total Environment, 512, 210-214.
  • Buddrick, O., Jones, O.A.H., Morrison, P.D., Small, D.M. (2015). Effect of Fermentation and Oil Incorporation on the Retention of E Vitamers During Breadmaking. Cereal Chemistry, 92, 327-331.
  • Plummer, C.M., Gericke, R., Kraft, P. Raynor, A., Froese, J., Hudlicky, T., Rook, T.J., Jones, O.A.H., Hugel, H.M. (2015). Synthesis of Saturated Benzodioxepinone Analogues: Insight into the Importance of the Aromatic Ring Binding Motif for Marine Odorants. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 486-495.
  • Buddrick, O., Jones, O.A.H., Hughes, J.G., Kong, I., Small, D.M., (2015). The Effect of Fermentation and Addition of Vegetable Oil on Resistant Starch Formation in Wholegrain Breads. Food Chemistry, 180, 181-185.

Edited Books

  • Jones, O.A.H. (Editor), (2014), Metabolomics and Systems Biology in Medicine and Human Health, CABI (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International), Wallingford, UK, 192pp.


Book Chapters

  • Jones, O.A.H., Dias, D.A. (2014). Environmental Metabolomics of Soil Organisms. In: Simpson, M. and Simpson, R. (Editors). NMR Spectroscopy: A Versatile Tool for Environmental Research, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK, 375-389.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Gomes, R.L. (2014). Chemical Pollution of the Aquatic Environment by Priority Pollutants and its Control. In: Harrison, R. (Editor), Pollution: Causes Effects and Control, 5th Edition. Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK, 1-28.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Buddrick, O., Jones, O.A.H., Morrison, P.D., Small, D.M. (2014). The Influence of Fermentation Processes and Cereal Grains in Wholegrain Bread on Reducing Phytate Content. Journal of Cereal Science 59, 3-8.
  • Alqahtani, N.K., Ashton, J., Katopo, L., Haque, E., Jones, O.A.H., Kasapis, S. (2014). Consistency of UHT Beverages Enriched with Insoluble Fibre During Storage. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 4, 84-92.
  • Collie, J.T.B., Massie, R.J., Jones, O.A.H., LeGrys, V.A., Greaves, R.F. (2014). 65 Years Since the New York Heat Wave: Advances in Sweat Testing for Cystic Fibrosis. Paediatric Pulmonology 49, 106-117.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Sdepanian, S., Lofts, S., Svendsen, C., Spurgeon, D.J., Maguire, M.L., Griffin, J.L. (2014). Metabolomic Analysis Of Soil Communities can be Used for Pollution Assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, 61-64.

Book Chapters

  • Hugel, H.M, Jones, O.A.H. (2013). The Metabolite Synthesis of the Natural Product Melatonin. In: Roessner, U. and Diaz, D. (Editors), Methods in Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries, Humana Press, New York, USA, 163-170. 
  • Jones, O.A.H., Hugel, H.M. (2013). Bridging the Gap: Basic Metabolic Protocols. In: Roessner, U. and Diaz, D. (Editors), Methods in Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries, Humana Press, New York, USA, 245-266.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Buddrick, O., Jones, O.A.H., Morrison, P.D., Small, D.M. (2013). Heptane as a Less Toxic Option Than Hexane for the Separation of Vitamin E from Food Products Using Normal Phase HPLC. RSC Advances, 3, 24063-24068.
  • Sutcliffe, S., Clarke, B.O., Jones O.A.H. (2013). Steroid Oestrogens in the Environment: an Australian Perspective. Water Science and Technology, 68, 2317-2239.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Murfitt, S., Svendsen, C., Turk, A., Turk, H., Spurgeon, D.J., Walker, L.A., Shore, R.F., Long, S.M., Griffin, J.L. (2013). Comparisons of Metabolic and Physiological Changes in Rats Following Short-Term Oral Dosing with Pesticides Commonly Found in Food. Food and Chemical Toxicology 59, 438-445.
  • Jamers, A., Blust, R., Coen, W., Griffin, J., Jones, O.A.H. (2013). Copper toxicity in the Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: An Integrated Approach. BioMetals, 26, 731-740.
  • Jones, O.AH., Maguire, M.L., Griffin, J.L. Dias, D.A., Spurgeon, D.J., Svendsen, C. (2013). Metabolomics and its Use in Ecology. Austral Ecology, 38, 713-720.
  • Jamers A., Blust R., De Coen W., Griffin J. L., Jones O.A.H. (2013). An Omics Based Assessment of Cadmium Toxicity in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Aquatic Toxicology, 126, 355–364.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Swain S.C., Svendsen C., Griffin J.L, Sturzenbaum S.R, Spurgeon, D.J. (2012). Potential New Method of Mixture Effects Testing Using Metabolomics and Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Proteome Research, 11, 1446–1453.
  • Baylay, A., Spurgeon, D.J., Svendsen C., Griffin J.L., Swain S., Sturzenbaum S.R., Jones O.A.H. (2012). A Metabolomics Based Test of Independent Action and Concentration Addition Using The Earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Ecotoxicology, 21, 1436-1447.

Book Chapters

  • Jones, O.A.H., Roberts, L.D., Maguire, M.L. (2011). Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics. Sample Preparation, Data Analysis, And Related Analytical Approaches. In: Ivanov, A. and Lazarev, A. (Editors), Sample Preparation in Biological Mass Spectrometry. Springer, New York, USA, 853-868.
  • Zargar, S.M., Nazir, M. , Kim, D-W., Cho, K., Kubo, A., Jones, O.A.H., Jwa, N-S., Agrawal, G.K., Shibato, J., Rakwal, R. (2011). Impact Of Climatic Changes On Crop Agriculture: OMICS For Sustainability and Next Generation Crops. In: Sustainable Agriculture and New Biotechnologies, Noureddine, B. (Editor), Taylor and Francis (CRC Press), London, UK, 453-477.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Maguire M.L., Griffin, J.L., Jung, Y-H, Shibato, J. Jwa, N-S, Agrawal G.K., Rakwal, R. (2011). Using Metabolic Profiling to Assess Plant-Pathogen Interactions: An Example Using Rice (Oryza Sativa) and the Blast Pathogen Magnaporthe grisea. The European Journal of Plant Pathology, 129, 539-554.
  • Spann, N., Aldridge, D.C. Griffin, J.L., Jones, O.A.H. (2011). Size-Dependent Effects of Low Level Cadmium and Zinc Exposure on The Metabolome of the Asian Clam, Corbicula fluminea. Aquatic Toxicology, 105, 589-599.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Spurgeon, D.J., Jones, O.A.H, Dorne, J.-L., Svendsen, C., Swain, S., Stürzenbaum, S. (2010). Systems Toxicology Approaches for Understanding the Joint Effects of Environmental Chemical Mixtures. Science of The Total Environment, 408, 3725-3734.
  • Vandenbrouck, T, Jones, O.A.H., Dom, N., Griffin, J.L., De Coen, W. (2010). Mixtures of Similarly Acting Compounds in Daphnia magna: From Gene to Metabolite and Beyond. Environment International 36, 254–268.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Masuo, Y., Imai, T., Shibato, J., Hirano, M., Jones, O.A.H., Maguire, M.L., Satoh, K., Kikuchi, S., Rakwal, R. (2009). Omic Analyses Unravels Global Molecular Changes in the Brain and Liver of a Rat Model for Chronic Sake (Japanese Alcoholic Beverage) Intake. Electrophoresis, 30, 1259-1275.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Maguire, M.L., Griffin, J.L. (2008). Environmental Pollution and Diabetes: A Neglected Association? The Lancet, 371, 287-288.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Spurgeon, D.J., Svendsen, C., Griffin J.L. (2008). A Metabolomics Based Approach to Assessing the Toxicity of the Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Pyrene to the Earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Chemosphere, 71, 601-609.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Griffin, J.L., Dondero, F., Viarengo, A. (2008). Metabolic Profiling of Mytilus galloprovincialis and its Potential Applications for Pollution Assessment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369, 169-179.
  • Atherton H. J., Jones O.A.H., Malik S., Miska E. A., Griffin J. L. (2008). A Comparative Metabolomic Study of NHR-49 in Caenorhabditis elegans and PPAR-alpha in the Mouse. FEBS Letters, 582, 1661-1666.

Book Chapters

  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2007). Ecotoxicity of Pharmaceuticals. In: Petrovic, M. and Barceló, B. (Editors), Analysis, Fate and Removal of Pharmaceuticals in the Water Cycle. Elsevier Scientific Publishing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 387-424.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Walker, L.A., Nicholson, J.K., Shore, R.F., Griffin, J.L. (2007). Cellular Acidosis in Rodents Exposed to Cadmium is Caused by Adaptation of the Tissue Rather Than an Early Effect of Toxicity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D, Genomics and Proteomics, 2, 316-321.
  • Morrison, N., Bearden, D., Bundy, J.G., Collette, T. Currie, F., Davey, M.P., Haigh, N.S., Hancock, D., Jones O.A.H., Rochfort, S., Sansone, S-A., Štys, D. Teng, Q., Field, D., Viant, M.R. (2007). Standard Reporting Requirements for Biological Samples in Metabolomics Experiments: Environmental Context. Metabolomics, 3, 203-210.
  • Jones O.A.H., Cheung V.L. (2007). An Introduction to Metabolomics and its Potential Application in Veterinary Science. Comparative Medicine, 57, 436-442.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Green, P., Voulvoulis, N., Lester J.N. (2007). Questioning the Excessive use of Advanced Treatment to Remove Organic Micropollutants from Wastewater. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 5085-5089.
  • Jones O.A.H., Voulvoulis N., Lester J.N. (2007). The Occurrence and Removal of Selected Pharmaceutical Compounds in a Sewage Treatment Works Utilising Activated Sludge Treatment. Environmental Pollution, 145, 738-744.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2006). Partitioning of Selected Pharmaceutical Compounds During Activated Sludge Treatment. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 50, 297-305.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2005). Pharmaceutical Residues in the Aquatic Environment – A Threat to Drinking Water? Trends in Biotechnology, 23, 163-167.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2005). Human Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater Treatment Processes. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 401-427.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2004). Potential Ecological and Human Health Risks Associated with the Presence of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in the Aquatic Environment. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 34, 335-350.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2003). Analytical Method Development for the Simultaneous Determination of Five Human Pharmaceuticals in Water and Wastewater Samples by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Chromatographia, 58, 471-477.
  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2003). Pharmaceuticals - Their Potential Impact on Environmental Health. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 81, 768-769.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2002). Aquatic Environmental Assessment of the Top 25 English Prescription Pharmaceuticals. Water Research, 36, 5013-5022.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Jones, O.A.H., Voulvoulis, N., Lester, J.N. (2001). Human Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment: a Review. Environmental Technology, 22, 1383-1394.

Feature projects

Novel tracers to delineate groundwater contamination from wastewater treatment plants

The Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE), $110,000

Currell, M., Jones, OAH

3 years

Developing Biomarkers of Environmental Exposure to Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances to Improve Environmental Policy and Health

RMIT, $35,000

Jones, OAH, Long, SM

3 years

Systems biology-based monitoring of anthropogenic contaminants and their impact on aquatic ecosystems

CSIRO, $315,000

Beale D. Crosswell, J., Bissett, A., Palombo, E., Jones, O.A.H.

3 years



Oliver Jones award photo

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Australasia Mid-Career Medal

Award date: 2021

Recipients: Oliver Jones

Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning

Award date: 2019

Recipients: Oliver Jones

Sir Paul Callaghan Medal

For outstanding contributions to the field of magnetic resonance by a young investigator

Award date: 2015

Recipients: Oliver Jones

Key awards by year

  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Australasia Mid-Career Medal, 2021

  • Australasian Land and Groundwater Association Annual Industry Excellence Award for Innovation that has Advanced the Practise of Contaminated Land Assessment, 2020

  • Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, 2019
  • Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), 2019
  • Elected as Associate Fellow of the Institution for Chemical Engineers (AFIChemE), 2019
  • RMIT University Media Star of the Year Award, 2019
  • RMIT University Award for Innovative Research Supervision, 2019
  • Awarded “Iridium” in the IUPAC Periodic Table of Younger Chemists, 2019

  • Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Strategic Contributions to Learning and Teaching: Collaborations that Enable Innovative and Inclusive Learning Environments – Team award, 2018
  • ATN award for Teaching and Learning Excellence – Team award, 2018
  • Merit in the Victoria iAwards for Innovation in Digital Technology for the Chirality-2 teaching app, 2018
  • RMIT Media Star High Performer, 2018

  • Elected to Fellowship of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI), 2016

  • Sir Paul Callaghan Medal for outstanding contributions to the field of magnetic resonance by a young investigator, 2015
  • RMIT College of Science Engineering and Health, Media Star Award, 2015


Oliver has been successful in winning highly competitive research grants worth over $3.5 million as well as significant in-kind support from industry.

  • Spencer, M.J.S and Jones, O.A.H
    Driving innovation in chemistry worldwide through the creation of an augmented reality app (ARCHEM)
    Australian Council of Deans of Science Teaching and Learning Grants
  • Gooley, P., Scanlon, M., Mackay, J., Jones, O.A.H., Komander, D., McDevitt C., Urban, S., Maher M., Griffin M., Call, M., Borg, N., Leach, K., Gregory, K. Babon, J.
    New biomolecular capabilities for the Melbourne Magnetic Resonance facility
    ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) – administered by University of Melbourne (LE210100130)
  • Williams, S., Dutton, J., Separovic, F., Hong, Y., Barnard, P., Boskovic, C., Hutton, C., Jones, O.A.H, Abbott, B., Donnelly, P, Urban, S.
    A cutting-edge and high-throughput nuclear magnetic resonance platform
    ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) – administered by University of Melbourne (LE210100083)
  • Beale D. Crosswell, J., Bissett, A., Palombo, E., Jones, O.A.H.
    Towards total systems biology-based monitoring of anthropogenic contaminants and their impact on aquatic ecosystems
    CSIRO Research Plus Postdoctoral Fellowship Project
  • Roddick, F., Fan, L., Jones, O.A.H.
    Photolysis R&D program for western treatment plant lagoons
    Melbourne Water Research Grant
  • Jones, O.A.H.
    Quantitative analysis of low molecular weight components of coal tar creosote
    Lonza pty Research Project Grant
  • Shellie, R., Jones, O.A.H.
    Advancing the collection and storage of blood micro-volumes for DNA applications
    Trajan Scientific Australia Pty Research Project.
  • Currell, M., Jones, O.A.H.,
    Novel tracers to delineate groundwater contamination from wastewater treatment plants
    CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment
  • Kasapis, S., Jones, O.A.H., Ashton, J.
    Insoluble-fibre enriched beverages: Innovation for a healthier Australia
    ARC Linkage Linkage Project with the Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company (LP160100007)
  • Separovic, F., O’Dell, L., Jones, O.A.H., Forsyth, M., Keizer, D. Sani, M-A.
    Dynamic nuclear polarisation system for molecular structure determination
    ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) – administered by University of Melbourne (LE160100120)

  • Jones, O.AH.
    Developing analysis methods for complex lipids in plants
    CSIRO Flagship Scholarship
  • Porter, N., Jones O.A.H.
    Validation and calibration of a POCIS device for the detection of chlorinated organophosphorus flame retardants in Australian surface waters
    Water Quality Research Australia Grant
  • Jones, O.AH.
    Establishment of multi-user, advanced two-dimensional liquid chromatography facilities for separation science research at RMIT University.
    Ian Potter Foundation Grant
  • Currell, M. and Jones, O.A.H.,
    Aquifer storage and recovery of recycled water: identifying emerging contaminants in source water and examining their fate and transport
    National Ground Water Research and Educational Foundation
  • Roddick, F., Nguyen, T., Jones, O.A.H.
    A novel approach to quantify indirect ingestion of recycled water – improving the evidence base for water guidelines (Stage 2a)
    Water Quality Research Australia

Public and media engagements

Oliver has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers where he is skilled at providing informed, evidence-based context, and explaining complex science to a mainstream audience. Examples of his work can be seen at Science Media Centre and Scimex.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.