Torben Daeneke

Dr Torben Daeneke


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Profile photo of Torben Daenake in a lab, smiling towards the camera. Torben is wearing a blue and grey striped shirt.

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STEM | School of Engineering

Phone: +61 3 9925 8969

Campus: Melbourne City


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Profile photo of Torben Daenake in a lab, smiling towards the camera. Torben is wearing a blue and grey striped shirt.

Contact details

STEM | School of Engineering

Phone: +61 3 9925 8969

Campus: Melbourne City


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Dr Torben Daeneke is a research active academic that strives to provide material solutions to significant societal challenges such as energy, pollution and CO2 emissions.


Dr Torben Daeneke is an inorganic chemist who received his PhD from Monash University in 2013 and now leads the multidisciplinary Liquid Metal Research Group at RMIT. Over the past years, Dr Daeneke has researched photochemical energy conversion, the synthesis and applications of low dimensional materials as well as the chemistry of low temperature liquid metals. His work on liquid metal solvents, molten metal catalysts and their applications has attracted significant funding from industry and funding agencies. Furthermore, Dr Daeneke developed novel techniques for the synthesis of atomically thin semiconductors which find applications in next generation electronics as well as flexible and printed devices, sensors and circuits.

Dr Daeneke is also the HDR Manager for the Chemical and Environmental Engineering discipline. As part of this role he facilitates the PhD and Masters by research programs and advocates for cutting edge research education.


Industry experience

Dr Torben Daeneke worked within the CSIRO between 2012 and 2014. He also collaborates closely with industry to commercialise his research.



Dr Daeneke’s research focuses on the chemistry of liquid metals and their applications in synthesis and catalysis. His main research streams include the study of fundamental phenomena that are observed within molten metals, the design of liquid metal catalysts and the development of low dimensional materials for electronic applications.

Research keywords

Liquid Metals, 2D materials, Oxide electronics, Flexible electronics, Printed electronics, CO2 reduction, Catalysis, Nano materials

Research output summary

To date Dr Daeneke published over 100 research articles, attracted over $3M in research funding and awards.


Supervisor interest areas

  • Catalysis for energy and environmental applications
  • Liquid metal chemistry
  • 2D Materials
  • Nano-electronics
  • Printed electronics
  • Flexible devices
  • Colloidal chemistry
  • Energy conversion
  • Waste processing and reclamation of materials
  • Oxide chemistry

Supervisor projects

  • Development of low energy logic devices based on two dimensional materials
  • Development of next generation liquid metal catalysts for environmentally friendly chemical conversions
  • Surface-functionalized liquid metal electrocatalysts for CO2 mitigation and green fuel synthesis

Feature publications

A liquid metal reaction environment for the room-temperature synthesis of atomically thin metal oxides

Science, 358, 332-335

A. Zavabeti, J.Z. Ou, B.J. Carey, N. Syed, R. Orrell-Trigg, E.L.H. Mayes, C. Xu, O. Kavehei, A.P. O'Mullane, R.B. Kaner, K. Kalantar-zadeh, T. Daeneke. (2017).

Liquid Metals: Fundamentals and Applications in Chemistry

Chemistry Society Reviews, 47, 4073-4111

T. Daeneke, K. Khoshmanesh, N. Mahmood, I. Alves de Castro, D. Esrafilzadeh, S.J. Barrow, M.D. Dickey, K. Kalantar-zadeh. (2018).

High-mobility p-type semiconducting two-dimensional β-TeO2

Nature Electronics, 4, 277-283

A. Zavabeti, P. Aukarasereenont, H. Tuohey, N. Syed, A. Jannat, A. Elbourne, K. A. Messalea, B. Y. Zhang, B. J. Murdoch, J. G. Partridge, M. Wurdack, D. L. Creedon, J. van Embden, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, S. P. Russo, C. F. McConville, T. Daeneke. (2021).

Key publications by year

  • X. Zhang, Z. Wang, L. Xu, K. Zuraiqi, T. Daeneke, Z. Yao, D.-C. Qi, A. Zavabeti ‘Liquid metal derived MOF functionalized nanoarrays with ultra-wideband electromagnetic absorption’ Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 606, 1852-1865

  • K. A. Messalea, N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, M. Mohiuddin, A. Jannat, P. Aukarasereenont, C. K. Nguyen, M. X. Low, S. Walia, B. Haas, C. T. Koch, N. Mahmood, K. Khoshmanesh, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘High-k 2D Sb2O3 Made Using a Substrate-Independent and Low-Temperature Liquid-Metal-Based Process’ ACS Nano, 2021 (In Press)
  • J. Tang, J. Tang, M. Mayyas, M. B. Ghasemian, J. Sun, M. A. Rahim, J. Yang, J. Han, D. J. Lawes, R. Jalili, T. Daeneke, Z. Cao, C. A. Echeverria, F.‐M. Allioux, A. Zavabeti, J. Hamilton, V. Mitchell, A. P. O'Mullane, R. B. Kaner, D. Esrafilzadeh, M. D. Dickey, K. Kalantar‐Zadeh ‘Liquid metal‐enabled Mechanical energy‐induced CO2 Conversion’ Advanced Materials, 2021, 2105789
  • T. Yun, M. Wurdack, M. Pieczarka, S. Bhattacharyya, Q. Ou, C. Notthoff, C. K. Nguyen, T. Daeneke, P. Kluth, M.S. Fuhrer, A. G. Truscott, E. Estrecho, E. A. Ostrovskaya ‘Influence of direct deposition of dielectric materials on the optical response of monolayer WS2’ Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119, 133106
  • N. K. Bajaj, S. Periasamy, R. Singh, Y. Tachibana, T. Daeneke, K. Chiang ‘The catalytic decomposition of carbon dioxide on zinc‐exchanged Y‐zeolite at low temperatures’ Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2021, 96, 2675-2680
  • A. Elbourne, Q. A. Besford, N. Meftahi, R. J. Crawford, T. Daeneke, T. L. Greaves, C. F. McConville, G. Bryant, S. J. Bryant, A. J. Christofferson ‘The impact of water on the lateral nanostructure of a deep eutectic solvent–solid interface’ Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2021 (in Press)
  • A. Zavabeti, P. Aukarasereenont, H. Tuohey, N. Syed, A. Jannat, A. Elbourne, K. A. Messalea, B. Y. Zhang, B. J. Murdoch, J. G. Partridge, M. Wurdack, D. L. Creedon, J. van Embden, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, S. P. Russo, C. F. McConville, T. Daeneke ‘High-mobility p-type semiconducting two-dimensional β-TeO2’ Nature Electronics, 2021, 4, 277–283
  • M. Mousavi, M. B. Ghasemian, J, Han, Y. Wang, R. Abbasi, J. Yang, J. Tang, S. A. Idrus-Saidi, X. Guan, M. J. Christoe, S. Merhebi, C. Zhang, J. Tang, R. Jalili, T. Daeneke, T. Wu, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, M. Mayyas ‘Bismuth telluride topological insulator synthesized using liquid metal alloys: Test of NO2 selective sensing‘ Applied Materials Today, 2021, 22, 100954
  • M. A. Rahim, F. Centurion, J. Han, R. Abbasi, M. Mayyas, J. Sun, M. J. Christoe, D. Esrafilzadeh, F.‐M. Allioux, M. B. Ghasemian, J. Yang, J. Tang, T. Daeneke, S. Mettu, J. Zhang, M. H. Uddin, R. Jalili, K. Kalantar‐Zadeh ‘Polyphenol‐Induced Adhesive Liquid Metal Inks for Substrate‐Independent Direct Pen Writing’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 10, 2007336
  • A. Jannat, N. Syed, K. Xu, M. A. Rahman, M. M. M. Talukder, K. A. Messalea, M. Mohiuddin, R. S. Datta, M. W. Khan, T. Alkathiri, B. J. Murdoch, S. Z. Reza, J. Li, T. Daeneke, A. Zavabeti, J. Z. Ou ‘Printable Single-Unit-Cell-Thick Transparent Zinc-Doped Indium Oxides with Efficient Electron Transport Properties’ ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 3, 4045–4053
  • J. Tang, S. Lambie, N. Meftahi, A. J. Christofferson, J. Yang, M. B. Ghasemian, J. Han, F.-M. Allioux, M. A. Rahim, M. Mayyas, T. Daeneke, C. F. McConville, K. G. Steenbergen, R. B. Kaner, S. P. Russo, N. Gaston, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘ Unique surface patterns emerging during solidification of liquid metal alloys’ Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, 16, 431-439
  • M. Wurdack, T. Yun, E. Estrecho, N. Syed, S. Bhattacharyya, M. Pieczarka, A. Zavabeti, S.‐Y. Chen, B. Haas, J. Müller, M. N. Lockrey, Q. Bao, C. Schneider, Y. Lu, M. S. Fuhrer, A. G. Truscott, T. Daeneke, E. A. Ostrovskaya ‘Ultrathin Ga2O3 Glass: A Large‐Scale Passivation and Protection Material for Monolayer WS2’ Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 3, 2005732
  • Y. Wang, M. Mayyas, J. Yang, J. Tang, M. B. Ghasemian, J. Han, A. Elbourne, T. Daeneke, R. B. Kaner, K. Kalantar‐Zadeh ‘Self‐Deposition of 2D Molybdenum Sulfides on Liquid Metals’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 3, 2005866

  • K. A. Messalea, A. Zavabeti, M. Mohiuddin, N. Syed, A. Jannat, P. Atkin, T. Ahmed, S. Walia, C. F. McConville, K. Kalantar‐Zadeh, N. Mahmood, K. Khoshmanesh, T. Daeneke ‘Two‐Step Synthesis of Large‐Area 2D Bi2S3 Nanosheets Featuring High In‐Plane Anisotropy’ Advanced Materials Interfaces 2020, 7, 22, 2001131
  • A. M. Siddiquee, A. Houri, K. A. Messalea, J. Lin, T. Daeneke, B. Abbey, A. Mechler, S. Kou ‘Nanoscale Probing of Cholesterol-Rich Domains in Single Bilayer Dimyristoyl-Phosphocholine Membranes Using Near-Field Spectroscopic Imaging’ The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020,11,21, 9476-9484
  • H. Khan, N. Mahmood, A. Zavabeti, A. Elbourne, M. A. Rahman, B. Y. Zhang, V. Krishnamurthi, P. Atkin, M. B. Ghasemian, J. Yang, G. Zheng, A. R. Ravindran, S. Walia, L. Wang, S. P. Russo, T. Daeneke, Y. Li, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Liquid metal-based synthesis of high performance monolayer SnS piezoelectric nanogenerators’ Nature Communications 2020, 11, 1, 1-8
  • T. Daeneke, N. Syed ‘Combustion Power in your Pocket: A Case for Portable Pyroelectric Energy Conversion’ Matter, 2020, 3, 1, 20-22
  • M. Mayyas, H. Li, P. Kumar, M. B. Ghasemian, J. Yang, Y. Wang, D. J. Lawes, J. Han, M. G. Saborio, J. Tang, R. Jalili, S. H. Lee, W. K. Seong, S. P. Russo, D. Esrafilzadeh, T. Daeneke, R. B. Kaner, R. S. Ruoff, K. Kalantar‐Zadeh ‘Liquid‐Metal‐Templated Synthesis of 2D Graphitic Materials at Room Temperature’ Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 29, 2001997
  • C. Zhang, F.-M. Allioux, M. A. Rahim, J. Han, J. Tang, M. B. Ghasemian, S.-Y. Tang, M. Mayyas, T. Daeneke, P. Le-Clech, R. B. Kaner, D. Esrafilzadeh, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘ Nucleation and growth of polyaniline nanofibers onto liquid metal nanoparticles’ Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 11, 4808-4819
  • F.-M. Allioux, S. Merhebi, M. B. Ghasemian, J. Tang, A. Merenda, R. Abbasi, M. Mayyas, T. Daeneke, A. P. O’Mullane, R. Daiyan, R. Amal, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Bi–Sn catalytic foam governed by nanometallurgy of liquid metals’ Nano letters, 2020, 20, 6, 4403-4409
  • K. Zuraiqi, A. Zavabeti, F.M. Allioux, J. Tang, C. K. Nguyen, P. Tafazolymotie, M. Mayyas, A. V Ramarao, M. Spencer, K. Shah, C. F McConville, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, K. Chiang, T. Daeneke ‘Liquid Metals in Catalysis for Energy Applications’ Joule, 2020, 4, 2290-2321
  • R.S. Datta, N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, A. Jannat, M. Mohiuddin, M. Rokunuzzaman, B.Y. Zhang, M.A. Rahman, P. Atkin, K.A. Messalea, M.B. Ghasemian, E. Della Gaspera, S. Bhattacharyya, M.S. Fuhrer, S.P. Russo, C.F. McConville, D. Esrafilzadeh, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘Flexible two-dimensional indium tin oxide fabricated using a liquid metal printing technique’ Nature Electronics, 2020, 3, 51–58
  • S. Cheeseman, A.J. Christofferson, R. Kariuki, D. Cozzolino, T. Daeneke, R.J. Crawford, V.K. Truong, J. Chapman, A. Elbourne ‘Antimicrobial Metal Nanomaterials: From Passive to Stimuli‐Activated Applications’ Advanced Science, 2020, 1902913
  • S.A. Idrus-Saidi, J. Tang, J. Yang, J. Han, T. Daeneke, A.P. O’Mullane, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Liquid Metal-Based Route for Synthesizing and Tuning Gas-Sensing Elements’ ACS Sensors, 2020, 5, 4, 1177-1189
  • A. Elbourne, S. Cheeseman, P. Atkin, N.P. Truong, N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, M. Mohiuddin, D. Esrafilzadeh, D. Cozzolino, C.F. McConville, M.D. Dickey, R.J. Crawford, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, J. Chapman, T. Daeneke, V.K. Truong ‘Antibacterial Liquid Metals: Biofilm Treatment via Magnetic Activation’ ACS Nano 2020, 14, 1, 802-817
  • T. Alkathiri, N. Dhar, A. Jannat, N. Syed, M. Mohiuddin, M.M.Y.A. Alsaif, R.S. Datta, K.A. Messalea, B.Y. Zhang, M.W. Khan, A. Elbourne, N. Pillai, J.Z. Ou, A. Zavabeti, T. Daeneke ‘Atomically thin TiO2 nanosheets synthesized using liquid metal chemistry, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 4914-4917
  • M.B. Ghasemian, T. Daeneke, Z. Shahrbabaki, J. Yanga K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Peculiar piezoelectricity of atomically thin planar structures’ Nanoscale, 2020,12, 2875-2901
  • A. Jannat, Q. Yao, A. Zavabeti, N. Syed, B.Y. Zhang, T. Ahmed, S. Kuriakose, M. Mohiuddin, N. Pillai, F. Haque, G. Ren, D.M. Zhu, N. Cheng, Y. Du, S.A. Tawfik, M.J. S. Spencer, B.J. Murdoch, L. Wang, C.F. McConville, S. Walia, T. Daeneke, L. Zhug, J.Z. Ou ‘Ordered-vacancy-enabled indium sulphide printed in wafer-scale with enhanced electron mobility’ Materials Horizon, 2020,7, 827-834

  • J. Tang, R. Daiyan, M.B. Ghasemian, S.A. Idrus-Saidi, A. Zavabeti, T. Daeneke, J. Yang, P. Koshy, S. Cheong, R.D. Tilley, R.B. Kaner, R. Amal, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Advantages of eutectic alloys for creating catalysts in the realm of nanotechnology-enabled metallurgy’ Nature Communications 2019 10, 4645
  • A. Jannat, F. Haque, K. Xu, C. Zhou, B.Y. Zhang, N. Syed. M. Mohiuddin, K.A. Messalea, X. Li, S.L. Gras, X. Wen, Z. Fei, E. Haque, S. Walia, T. Daeneke, A. Zavabeti, J.Z. Ou ‘Exciton-Driven Chemical Sensors Based on Excitation-Dependent Photoluminescent Two-Dimensional SnS’ ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2019, 11, 45, 42462-42468
  • A. Dobosz, T. Daeneke, A. Zavabeti, B.Y. Zhang, R. Orrell-Trigg, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, A. Wójcik, W. Maziarz, T. Gancarz ‘Investigation of the surface of Ga–Sn–Zn eutectic alloy by the characterisation of oxide nanofilms obtained by the touch-printing method’ Nanomaterials 2019, 9(2), 235
  • S. A. Idrus-Saidi, J. Tang, M.B. Ghasemian, J. Yang, J. Han, N. Syed, T. Daeneke, R. Abbasi, P. Koshy, A.P. O'Mullane, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Liquid metal core–shell structures functionalised via mechanical agitation: the example of Field's metal’ Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 17876-17887
  • J. Han, J. Yang, J. Tang, M.B. Ghasemian, L.J. Hubble, N. Syed, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Liquid metals for tuning gas sensitive layers’ Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 6375-6382
  • M. B. Ghasemian, M. Mayyas, S. A. Idrus‐Saidi, M. A. Jamal, J. Yang, S. S. Mofarah, E. Adabifiroozjaei, J. Tang, N. Syed, A. P. O'Mullane, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar‐Zadeh ‘Self‐Limiting Galvanic Growth of MnO2 Monolayers on a Liquid Metal—Applied to Photocatalysis’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1901649
  • A. R.Ravindran, R. B.Ladani, A. Zavabeti, T. Daeneke, S. Wud, A. J.Kinloch, C. H.Wang, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, A. P.Mouritz ‘Liquid metal synthesis of two-dimensional aluminium oxide platelets to reinforce epoxy composites’ Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 181, 107708
  • M. M. Y. A. Alsaif, N. Pillai, S. Kuriakose, S. Walia, A. Jannat, K. Xu, T. Alkathiri, M. Mohiuddin, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, J. Zhen Ou, A. Zavabeti ‘Atomically Thin Ga2S3 from Skin of Liquid Metals for Electrical, Optical, and Sensing Applications’ ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019, 2, 7, 4665-4672
  • K. Kalantar-Zadeh, J. Tang, T. Daeneke, A. P. O’Mullane, L. A. Stewart, J. Liu, C. Majidi, R. S. Ruoff, P. S. Weiss, M. D. Dickey ‘Emergence of Liquid Metals in Nanotechnology’ ACS Nano, 2019,13, 7, 7388-7395
  • M. MYA Alsaif, S. Kuriakose, S. Walia, N. Syed, A. Jannat, B. Yue Zhang, F. Haque, M. Mohiuddin, T. Alkathiri, N. Pillai, T. Daeneke, J. Zhen Ou, A. Zavabeti ‘2D SnO/In2O3 van der Waals Heterostructure Photodetector Based on Printed Oxide Skin of Liquid Metals’ Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 1900007
  • N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, K. A. Messalea, E. Della Gaspera, A. Elbourne, A. Jannat, M. Mohiuddin, B. Y. Zhang, G. Zheng, L. Wang, S. P. Russo, D. Esrafilzadeh, C. F. McConville, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘Wafer-Sized Ultrathin Gallium and Indium Nitride Nanosheets through the Ammonolysis of Liquid Metal Derived Oxides’ Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 104–108
  • D. Esrafilzadeh, A. Zavabeti, R. Jalili, P. Atkin, J. Choi, B. J. Carey, R. Brkljača, A. P. O’Mullane, M. D. Dickey, D. L. Officer, D. R. MacFarlane, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Room temperature CO2 reduction to solid carbon species on liquid metals featuring atomically thin ceria interfaces’ Nature Communications, 2019, 865

  • T. Daeneke, K. Khoshmanesh, N. Mahmood, I. Alves de Castro, D. Esrafilzadeh, S. J. Barrow, M.D. Dickey, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Liquid Metals: Fundamentals and Applications in Chemistry’ Chemistry Society Reviews, 2018, 47, 4073-4111,
  • N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, J. Z. Ou, M. Mohiuddin, N. Pillai, B. J. Carey, B. Y. Zhang, R. S. Datta, A. Jannat, F. Haque, K. A. Messalea, C. Xu, S. P. Russo, C. F. McConville, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Printing two-dimensional gallium phosphate out of liquid metal’ Metals’ Nature Communications, 2018, 3618
  • K. A. Messalea, B. J. Carey, A. Jannat, N. Syed, M. Mohiuddin, B. Y. Zhang, A. Zavabeti, T. Ahmed, E. Della Gaspera, K. Kalantar-zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘Bi2O3 Monolayers from Elemental Liquid Bismuth’ Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 15615-15623
  • A. Zavabeti, B. Y. Zhang, I. A. de Castro, J. Z. Ou, B. J. Carey, M. Mohiuddin, R. S. Datta. C. Xu, A. P. Mouritz, C. F. McConville, A. P. O'Mullane, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar‐Zadeh ‘Green Synthesis of Low‐Dimensional Aluminum Oxide Hydroxide and Oxide Using Liquid Metal Reaction Media: Ultrahigh Flux Membranes’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1804057
  • R. S. Datta, J. Z. Ou, M. Mohiuddin, B. J.Carey, B. Y. Zhang, H. Khan, N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, F. Haque, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Two dimensional PbMoO4: A photocatalytic material derived from a naturally non-layered crystal’ Nano Energy, 2018, 49, 237-246
  • M. Mohiuddin, Y. Wang, A. Zavabeti, N. Syed, R. S. Datta, H. Ahmed, T. Daeneke, S. P. Russo, A. R. Rezk, L. Y. Yeo, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Liquid phase acoustic wave exfoliation of layered MoS2: critical impact of electric field in efficiency’ Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30, 5593-5601
  • S. E. Lillie, D. A. Broadway, N. Dontschuk, A. Zavabeti, D. A. Simpson, T. Teraji, T. Daeneke, L. C. L. Hollenberg, J.-P. Tetienne ‘Magnetic noise from ultrathin abrasively deposited materials on diamond’ Physical Review Materials, 2018, 2, 116002
  • N. Dhar, N. Syed, M. Mohiuddin, A. Jannat, A. Zavabeti, B. Y. Zhang, R. S. Datta, P. Atkin, N. Mahmood, D. Esrafilzadeh, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-Zadeh’ Exfoliation Behavior of van der Waals Strings: Case Study of Bi2S3’ ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 42603–42611
  • M. Mohiuddin, N. Pillai, A. Zavabeti, N. Mahmood, N. Syed, R. S. Datta, D. Jampaiah, T. Daeneke, J. Z. Ou, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Exploring electric field assisted van der Waals weakening of stratified crystals’ Applied Materials Today 2018, 12, 359-365
  • F. Haque, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-zadeh, J. Z. Ou ‘Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxide and Chalcogenide-Based Photocatalysts’ Nano-Micro Letters, 2018, 10: 23
  • B. Y. Zhang, A. Zavabeti, A. F. Chrimes, F. Haque, L. A. O'Dell, H. Khan, N. Syed, R. Datta, Y. Wang, A. S. R. Chesman, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar‐zadeh, J. Z. Ou ‘Degenerately Hydrogen Doped Molybdenum Oxide Nanodisks for Ultrasensitive Plasmonic Biosensing’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 1706006
  • P. Atkin, R. Orrell-Trigg, A. Zavabeti, N. Mahmood, M. R. Field, T. Daeneke, I. S. Cole, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Evolution of 2D tin oxides on the surface of molten tin’ Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 2102-2105 [IF 5.996]

  • A. Zavabeti, J. Z. Ou, B. J. Carey, N. Syed, R. Orrell-Trigg, E. L. H. Mayes, C. Xu, O Kavehei, A. P. O'Mullane, R, B Kaner, K. Kalantar-zadeh, T Daeneke ‘A liquid metal reaction environment for the room-temperature synthesis of atomically thin metal oxides’ Science, 2017, 358, 332-335
  • I. Alves de Castro, A. F. Chrimes, A. Zavabeti, K. J. Berean, B. J. Carey, J. Zhuang, Y. Du, S. X. Dou, K. Suzuki, R. A. Shanks, R. Nixon-Luke, G. Bryant, K. Khoshmanesh, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘A Gallium-Based Magnetocaloric Liquid Metal Ferrofluid’ Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 7831-7838
  • P. Atkin, D. W. M. Lau, Q. Zhang, C. Zheng, K. J. Berean, M. R. Field, J. Z. Ou, I. S. Cole, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Laser exposure induced alteration of WS2 monolayers in the presence of ambient moisture’ 2D Materials, 2017, 5, 015013
  • H. Khan, A. Zavabeti, Y. Wang, C. J. Harrison, B. J. Carey, M. Mohiuddin, A. F. Chrimes, I. Alves De Castro, B. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Sabri, S. K. Bhargava, J. Z. Ou, T. Daeneke, S. P. Russo, Y. Li, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Quasi physisorptive two dimensional tungsten oxide nanosheets with extraordinary sensitivity and selectivity to NO2’ Nanoscale, 2017, 48, 19162-19175
  • R. S Datta, F. Haque, M. Mohiuddin, B. J. Carey, N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, B. Zhang, H. Khan, K. J. Berean, J. Z. Ou, N. Mahmood, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Highly active two dimensional α-MoO3-x for the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction’ Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 46, 24223-24231
  • T. Daeneke, P. Atkin, R. Orrell-Trigg, A. Zavabeti, T. Ahmed, S. Walia, M. Liu, Y. Tachibana, M. Javaid, A. D. Greentree, S. P. Russo, R. B. Kaner, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Wafer Scale Synthesis of Semiconducting SnO Monolayers from Interfacial Oxide Layers of Metallic Liquid Tin’ ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 10974-10983
  • N. Syed, A. Zavabeti, M. Mohiuddin, B. Zhang, Y. Wang, R. S. Datta, P. Atkin, B. J. Carey, C. Tan, J. van Embden, A. S. R. Chesman , J. Z. Ou, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Sonication Assisted Synthesis of Gallium Oxide Suspensions Featuring Trap State Absorption: Test of Photochemistry’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27, 1702295
  • I. Alves de Castro, R. S. Datta, J. Z. Ou, A. Castellanos-Gomez, S. Sriram, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Molybdenum Oxides - from Fundamentals to Functionality’ Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1701619
  • R. M. Clark, K. J. Berean, B. J. Carey, N. Pillai, T. Daeneke, I. S Cole, K. Latham, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Patterned films from exfoliated two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides assembled at a liquid-liquid interface’ Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 6937-6944
  • T. Daeneke, N. Dhar, P. Atkin, R. M. Clark, C. J. Harrison, R. Brkljača, N. Pillai, B. Y. Zhang, A. Zavabeti, S. J. Ippolito, K. J. Berean, J. Z. Ou, M. S. Strano, K. Kalantar-zadeh, ‘Surface Water Dependent Properties of Sulfur-Rich Molybdenum Sulfides: Electrolyteless Gas Phase Water Splitting’ ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 6782-6794

  • J. Carey, J. Z. Ou, R. M. Clark, K. Berean, A. Zavabeti, A. S. R. Chesman, S. P. Russo, D. W. Lao, Z. Xu, Q. Bao, O. Kevehei, B. C. Gibson, M. D. Dickey, R. B. Kaner, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Wafer Scale Two Dimensional Semiconductors from Printed Oxide Skin of Liquid Metals’ Nature Communications, 2016, 14482
  • K. Kalantar-zadeh, J. Z. Ou, T. Daeneke, A. Mitchell, T. Sasaki, M. S. Fuhrer ‘Two dimensional and layered transition metal oxides’ Applied Materials Today, 2016, 5, 73-89
  • R. M. Clark, J. C. Kotsakidis, B. Weber, K. J. Berean, B. J. Carey, M. R. Field, H. Khan, J. Z. Ou, T. Ahmed, C. J. Harrison, I. S. Cole, K. Latham, K. Kalantar-zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘Exfoliation of quasi-stratified Bi2S3 crystals into micron-scale ultrathin corrugated nanosheets’ Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 8942-8950
  • E. Nguyen, B. J. Carey, C. J. Harrison, P. Atkin, K. J. Berean, E. Della Gaspera, J. Z. Ou, R. B. Kaner, K. Kalantar-zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘Excitation Dependent Bidirectional Electron Transfer in Phthalocyanine-Functionalised MoS2 Nanosheets’ Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 16276-16283
  • P. Atkin, T. Daeneke, Y. Wang, B. Carey, K. J. Berean, R. M. Clark, J. Z. Ou, A. Trinchi, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘2D WS2/Carbon Dot Hybrids with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity’ Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 13563-13571
  • T. Daeneke, R. M. Clark, B. J. Carey, J. Z. Ou, B. Weber, M. S. Fuhrer, M. Bhaskaran, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Reductive exfoliation of substoichiometric MoS2 bilayers using hydrazine salts’ Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 15252-15261
  • A. Zavabeti, T. Daeneke, A. Chrimes, A. O'Mullane, J. Z. Ou, A. Mitchell, K. Khoshmanesh, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Ionic Imbalance Induced Self-propulsion of Liquid Metals’ Nature Communications, 2016, 12402
  • Z. Yu, I. R Perera, T. Daeneke, S. Makuta, Y. Tachibana, J. J Jasieniak, A. Mishra, P. Bäuerle, L. Spiccia, U. Bach ‘Indium tin oxide as a semiconductor material in efficient p-type dye-sensitized solar cells’ NPG Asia Materials, 2016, 8, e305
  • Y. Wang, E. Della Gaspera, B. J. Carey, P. Atkin, K. J. Berean, R. M. Clark, I, S. Cole, Z.-Q. Xu, Y. Zhang, Q. Bao, J. Z. Ou, T. Daeneke, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Enhanced quantum efficiency from a mosaic of two dimensional MoS2 formed onto aminosilane functionalised substrates’ Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 12258-12266
  • M. Alsaif, M. Field, T. Daeneke, A.F. Chrimes, W. Zhang, B. J. Carey, K. Berean, S. Walia, J. van Embden, B. Zhang, K. Latham, K. Kalantar-zadeh, J. Zhen Ou ‘Exfoliation Solvent Dependent Plasmon Resonances in Two Dimensional Sub-Stoichiometric Molybdenum Oxide Nanoflakes’ ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 3482-3493
  • W. Zhang, N. Srichan, A. F. Chrimes, M. Taylor, K. J. Berean, J. Zhen Ou, T. Daeneke, A. P. O’Mullane, G. Bryant, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Sonication synthesis of micro-sized silver nanoparticle/oleic acid liquid marbles: A novel SERS sensing platform’ Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 223, 52-58
  • Y. Wang, B. Carey, W. Zhang, A. F. Chrimes, L. Chen, K. Kalantar-zadeh, J. Zhen Ou, T. Daeneke ‘Intercalated 2D MoS2 Utilizing a Simulated Sun Assisted Process: Reducing the HER Overpotential’ The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 2447-2455
  • M.M.Y.A Alsaif, A. F. Chrimes, T. Daeneke, S. Balendhran, D. O Bellisario, Y. Son, M. R Field, W. Zhang, H. Nili, E. P. Nguyen, K. Latham, J. van Embden, M. S Strano, J. Zhen Ou, K. Kalantar‐zadeh ‘High‐Performance Field Effect Transistors Using Electronic Inks of 2D Molybdenum Oxide Nanoflakes’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26, 91-100

  • E. P. Nguyen, T. Daeneke, S. Zhuiykov, K. Kalantar‐zadeh ‘Liquid Exfoliation of Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Biological Applications’ Current Protocols in Chemical Biology 2015, 12/15, 97-108 [New Journal – No IF available]
  • S. Powar, R. Bhargava, T. Daeneke, G. Götz, P. Bäuerle, T. Geiger, S. Kuster, F. A Nüesch, L. Spiccia, U. Bach ‘Thiolate/disulfide based electrolytes for p-type and tandem dye-sensitized solar cells’ Electrochimica Acta 2015, 182, 458-463
  • J. Zhen Ou, W. Ge, B. Carey, T. Daeneke, A. Rotbart, W. Shan, Y. Wang, Z. Fu, A. F Chrimes, W. Wlodarski, S. P Russo, Y. Xiang Li, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Physisorption-based charge transfer in two-dimensional SnS2 for selective and reversible NO2 gas sensing’ ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 10313-10323
  • E. P Nguyen, B. J Carey, J. Zhen Ou, J. van Embden, E. Della Gaspera, A. F Chrimes, M. JS Spencer, S. Zhuiykov, K. Kalantar‐zadeh, T. Daeneke ‘Electronic Tuning of 2D MoS2 through Surface Functionalization’ Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 6225-6229
  • K.J. Berean, J. Z. Ou, T. Daeneke, B. J. Carey, E. P. Nguyen, Y. Wang, S. P. Russo, R. B. Kaner, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘2D MoS2 PDMS nanocomposites for NO2 separation’ Small, 2015, 11, 5035-5040
  • K. Kalantar-zadeh, J. Z. Ou, T. Daeneke, M. S. Strano, M. Pumera, S. L. Gras ‘Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Biosystems’ Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25, 5086-5099
  • T. Daeneke, B.J. Carey, A. Chrimes, J. Zhen Ou, D.W.M. Lau, B.C. Gibson, M. Bhaskaran, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Light driven growth of silver nanoplatelets on 2D MoS2 nanosheet templates’ Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 4771-4778
  • R. Bhargava, T. Daeneke, S. J. Thompson, J. Lloyd, C.-A. Palma, J. Reichert, J. V Barth, L. Spiccia, U. Bach ‘Dual-function smart electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells: 5-mercaptotetrazoles as redox mediator and corrosion repressor’ The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, 19613-19618
  • R. M Clark, B. J. Carey, T. Daeneke, P. Atkin, M. Bhaskaran, K. Latham, I. S. Cole, K. Kalantar-Zadeh ‘Two-step synthesis of luminescent MoS2-ZnS hybrid quantum dots’ Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16763-16772
  • B.J. Carey, T. Daeneke, E.P. Nguyen, Y. Wang, J.Z. Ou, S. Zhuiykov, K. Kalantarzadeh ‘Two solvent grinding sonication method for the synthesis of two-dimensional tungsten disulphide flakes’ Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 3770-3773
  • T. Daeneke, Z. Yu, G. P. Lee, D. Fu, N.W. Duffy, S. Makuta, Y. Tachibana, L. Spiccia, A. Mishra, P. Bäuerle, U. Bach ‘Dominating Energy Losses in NiO p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells’ Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, 5, 1401387
  • I.R. Perera, T. Daeneke, S. Makuta, Z. Yu, Y. Tachibana, A. Mishra, P. Bäuerle, C.A. Ohlin, U. Bach, L. Spiccia ‘Application of the Tris(acetylacetonato)iron(III)/(II) Redox Couple in p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells’ Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54, 3758-3762
  • E.P. Nguyen, B.J. Carey, T. Daeneke, J.Z. Ou, K. Latham, S. Zhuiykov, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Investigation of two-solvent grinding-assisted liquid phase exfoliation of layered MoS2’ Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 53-59
  • Y. Wang, J.Z. Ou, A.F. Chrimes, B.J. Carey, T. Daeneke, M.M.Y.A. Alsai, M. Mortazavi, S. Zhuiykov, N. Medhekar, M. Bhaskaran, J.R. Friend, M.S. Strano, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Plasmon Resonances of Highly Doped Two-Dimensional MoS2’ Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 883-890

  • S. Powar, D. Xiong, T. Daeneke, M.T. Ma, A. Gupta, G. Lee, S. Makuta, Y. Tachibana, W. Chen, L. Spiccia, Y.B. Cheng, G. Götz, P. Bäuerle, U. Bach ‘Improved photovoltages for p-type dye-sensitized solar cells using CuCrO2 nanoparticles’ Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 16375-16379
  • M.M.Y.A. Alsaif, M.R. Field, B.J. Murdoch, T. Daeneke, K. Latham, A.F. Chrimes, A.S. Zoolfakar, S.P. Russo, J.Z. Ou, K. Kalantar-zadeh ‘Substoichiometric two-dimensional molybdenum oxide flakes: A plasmonic gas sensing platform’ Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 12780-12791
  • I.R. Perera, A. Gupta, W. Xiang, T. Daeneke, U. Bach, R.A. Evans, C. A. Ohlin and L. Spiccia ‘Introducing manganese complexes as redox mediators for dye-sensitized solar cells’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 12021-12028

  • G.P. Lee, Y. Shi, E. Lavoie, T. Daeneke, P. Reineck, U.B. Cappel, D.M. Huang, U. Bach ‘Light-Driven Transformation Processes of Anisotropic Silver Nanoparticles’ ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 5911-5921
  • T. Daeneke, K. Gräf, S. Watkins, M. Thelakkat, U. Bach ‘Infrared Sensitizers in Titania-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells using a Dimethylferrocene Electrolyte’ ChemSusChem, 2013, 6, 2056-2060
  • S. Powar, T. Daeneke, M.T. Ma, D. Fu, N.W. Duffy, G. Götz, M. Weidelener, A. Mishra, P. Bäuerle, L. Spiccia, U. Bach ‘Highly Efficient p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells based on Tris(1,2-diaminoethane)Cobalt(II)/(III) Electrolytes’ Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52, 602-605

  • T. Daeneke, A.J. Mozer, Y. Uemura, S. Makuta, M. Fekete, Y. Tachibana, N. Koumura, U. Bach, L. Spiccia ‘Dye Regeneration Kinetics in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells’ Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 16925-16928
  • U. Bach, T. Daeneke ‘A Solid Advancement for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells’ Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012, 51, 10451-10452
  • T. Daeneke, Y. Uemura, N.W. Duffy, A.J. Mozer, N. Koumura, U. Bach, L. Spiccia ‘Aqueous Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Electrolytes Based on the Ferricyanide - Ferrocyanide Redox Couple’ Advanced Materials, 2012, 24, 1222-1225
  • T. Daeneke, A.J. Mozer, T.H. Kwon, N.W. Duffy, A.B. Holmes, U. Bach, L. Spiccia ‘Dye Regeneration and Charge Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Ferrocene Derivatives as Redox Mediators’ Energy and Environmental Science, 2012, 5, 7090-7099
  • U.B. Cappel, T. Daeneke, U. Bach ‘Oxygen-Induced Doping of Spiro-MeOTAD in Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and Its Impact on Device Performance’ Nano Letters, 2012, 12, 4925-4931

  • T. Daeneke, T.H. Kwon, A.B. Holmes, N.W. Duffy, U. Bach, L. Spiccia ‘High-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells with ferrocene-based electrolytes’ Nature Chemistry, 2011, 3, 211-215

  • N.A. Lewcenko, M.J. Byrnes, T. Daeneke, M. Wang, S.M. Zakeeruddin, M. Grätzel, L. Spiccia ‘A new family of substituted triethoxysilyl iodides as organic iodide sources for dye-sensitised solar cells’ Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 3694-3702

Feature projects

Liquid metal chemistry towards grain boundary-free electronic materials

ARC DECRA Fellowship (DE190100100)

2019 - 2022

Exploring Piezoelectricity of Two-dimensional Nanocrystals and Nanodevices

ARC Discovery Project (DP180102752)

2018 - 2021

Vice Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship


2015 - 2018



  • ARC DECRA Fellowship (DE190100100)
  • CASS grant (CASS Ref. No.: 8485; 2018)
  • RMIT Vice Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2015)
  • ARC DP (DP180102752)
  • ARC LIEF (LE170100235)
  • ARC LIEF (LE200100051)
  • ARC LIEF (LE210100009)
  • Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme (ID 57511357)
  • Industry funded project supported by the philanthropic arm of Hemmersbach GmBH
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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.