VISUALS: A GIF image on a blue background shows a male moving a pile of documents on a desk.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Step 1. Collect your documents and information.
The first step in your enrolment, is to collect all of your documents and information.
VISUALS: Three graphics representing a birth certificate, passport and visa appear on the bottom half of the screen.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Passport, birth certificate or citizenship certificate. Pick one: Use the same document multiple times throughout your enrolment to verify your identity! Your name and details must always match, or you won’t be able to enrol.
First, pick a document to verify your citizenship. You need to use the same document multiple times throughout enrolment. Australian or New Zealand citizens can use a passport, citizenship certificate or birth certificate. Australian Permanent residents and Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders need to provide visa evidence and an International passport or Immicard.
VISUALS: A yellow pop-up box appears with text in it, and a vector graphic of a person wearing red shorts with a prosthetic leg is appearing to hold up the yellow box.
TEXT ON SCREEN: If you used a different name to apply to RMIT, one that doesn’t match your document, you’ll need to update it later in Enrolment Online.
If you used a different name to apply to RMIT, that doesn't match your document, you need to update it later in Enrolment Online to be able to enrol.
VISUALS: Text appears on a blue background and a large yellow rectangle has an example student number. The yellow rectangle is being held up by a vector graphic of a person wearing a white top with red sleeves.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Student number. You need to know your RMIT student number. You can find it in your offer email.
You also need to know your student number, also called a student ID. You can find it in your offer email. It starts with an “s” followed by numbers.
VISUALS: A grey box appears on the left-hand side of the screen with a www.outlook.com login screen for a mobile device, and a large yellow rectangle has information about passwords. The yellow rectangle is being held up by a vector graphic of a person wearing red overalls over a yellow top.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Student email. Your temporary password is your birthday backwards. pYYYYMMDD! E.g., 6th August, 1996 = p19960806! Don’t forget to change your password.
You also have an RMIT student email, hosted by Outlook, that you need to check during enrolment. It’s your student number followed by @student.rmit.edu.au. Your default password is “p” followed by your date of birth backwards and an exclamation mark. Change your password when you log in.
VISUALS: Text appears on a blue background. An image on the right-hand side of the screen shows an example of an Australian government Health Care Card.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Centrelink Concession Card. If you are enrolling in a Certificate I-IV program and have a Centrelink concession card, you may be eligible for a free discount!
If you are enrolling in a Certificate I to IV program and have a Centrelink concession card, have it handy. You may be eligible for a fee discount.
VISUALS: Text appears on a blue background and a large yellow rectangle has text on it. The yellow rectangle is being held up by a vector graphic of a person sitting in a wheelchair.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Tax File Number (TFN). You need a Tax File Number (TFN) to get a VET Student Loan from the government. Apply for a TFN via the Australian Tax Office (ATO). If you already have a TFN, you can find it on your myGov account, on an income tax return, or on a payment summary from your employer. VET Student Loan stands for “Vocational Education Training” Student Loan.
If you’re enrolling in a Diploma or Advanced Diploma, you may be eligible for a VET Student Loan, or Vocational Education Training Student Loan, from the government. You will need a tax file number, or TFN. Apply for one as soon as possible from the Australian Tax Office, as it can take a while. If you already have a TFN, find it on your myGov, on your tax return, or on a payment summary from your employer.
VISUALS: White text with a red background sits on the blue background of the screen, and a large, white tick box appears on the right-hand side of the screen.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Step 1. Collect your documents and information.
VISUALS: The RMIT logo pixel fills up the screen and then scales down in size. The background animates from blue to red and the RMIT pixel joins the rest of the RMIT logo, including the website address.
TEXT ON SCREEN: RMIT University. rmit.edu.au.
[End transcript]