Physics major
When you choose a Physics major in RMIT’s Bachelor of Science you will enjoy flexibility with a degree that allows you to pursue a specialisation in physics while gaining practical real-world experience.
Statistics is the study of data, from design, collection, visualisation, analyses and interpretation. Informed statistical insight is often crucial in influencing and guiding the strategies and decisions taken by organisations, industries, and businesses. In the Statistics major, you’ll be taught to think logically, and learn how to approach theoretical and real-world problems in analytical and creative ways and apply your knowledge to professional and academic contexts.
Chemistry major
Whether looking at climate change, harnessing renewable energy sources or discovering medical breakthroughs, chemistry is vital in understanding and developing technologies of the future. The Chemistry major will strengthen your practical skills in laboratory science, building on specific chemical and materials analysis training which include chemical analysis, laboratory science, data analysis and materials science.
Biological sciences major
Biological studies involve keen observation, classical experimentation, and the development of new technologies and applications. With their new ideas and modern tools, biologists are driving many innovations in today’s world, ranging from molecular engineering that improves lives to tackling the numerous threats facing the biodiversity of our planet.
Biotechnology major
Biotechnologists play a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge, developing innovative products and addressing societal challenges through the application of biotechnology principles and techniques. The Biotechnology major gives you breadth of knowledge across life sciences and related disciplines, practical skills in the lab and field, and a specialisation in your chosen area.
Food Science and Technology major
This exciting field combines scientific principles with the art of creating safe, nutritious and delicious food. As a food scientist, you will explore the chemistry, microbiology and engineering behind food production and processing. By choosing this major, you will gain practical skills in food safety analysis, innovative food processing techniques and product development.
Nutrition science major
In a world where nutrition plays a central role in public health, there is a growing need for experts who can address global challenges such as malnutrition, obesity and food insecurity. By pursuing a Nutrition Science major, you will be prepared to make a positive impact through community outreach, public health initiatives and entrepreneurship.