For students who commence their study in this program from 1 January 2016 onwards, please note that some courses listed in this structure will have their course marks count toward your program's weighted average mark. Your weighted average mark will determine the honours level of your award once you have completed the program. If a course counts toward your weighted average mark, that fact will be stated in its course guide. In Enrolment Online, after you have completed your course enrolment, you will be notified which of the enrolled courses will count toward the weighted average mark.
For more information about the weighted average mark, please click here.
To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.
- Twenty-Four (24) core courses
- One (1) University Elective
- Three (3) courses from the program option list or Two (2) courses from the program option list and One (1) University Elective
- Four (4) courses (48cp) from one of the following combinations:
Combination 1: Four (4) courses from one of the Program Minor lists or;
Combination 2: Four (4) courses from any of the Program Minor lists .
The Engineering Minor Studies Courses Lists can be found at the end of the Program Structure. The Courses in each Minor/Major need to be completed in the sequence listed.
University Electives can include any Minor course, Program Option course, or any other course on the University Electives website.
Year One of Program
Students must complete a series of compulsory onboarding modules during their first semester or study period. Complete 84 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you have NOT completed VCE Maths Methods or VCE Specialist Maths or equivalent, you must choose Introduction to Engineering Mathematics. AND
Year Two of Program
Complete 60 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you must complete 24 credit points from the following.AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you are not required to select a course from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from any:University Elective
Year Three of Program
Complete 24 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points from the following:AND{
Complete 48 credit points from your selected Minor Combination OR
Complete 24 credit points from your selected Minor Combination and 24 credit points from the following Technical Option list.}
Year Four of Program
Complete 48 credit points from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points, not already completed from the following:AND
Complete 12 credit points, not already completed from the following:AND{
Complete 24 credit points from your selected Minor Combination OR 24 credit points from the following Technical Option list: OR
Complete 12 credit points from the following Technical Option list and 12 credit points from any University Elective.}
Minor: Automotive Engineering
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Engineering Enterprise & Project Management
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Humanitarian Innovation
Complete 48 credit points from the following: AND
Minor: Engineering Innovation & Design
Complete 48 credit points from the following: