Dr. Janet Fulton
Adjunct Associate Professor
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- McIntyre, P.,Kerrigan, S.,Fulton, J.,King, E.,Williams, C. (2024). Creativity and Creative Industries in Regional Australia: Interconnected networks, shared knowledge and choice making agents, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland
- Fulton, J. (2023). Investigative Journalism: A system of creativity In: Investigative Journalism in Changing Times, Routledge, Abingdon, United Kingdom
- McIntyre, P.,Fulton, J.,Kerrigan, S.,Meany, M. (2023). Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries, Springer, Switzerland
- Fulton, J.,Kerrigan, S.,McIntyre, P. (2023). Extended-mixed methods: a new research paradigm for the creative industries In: Communication Research and Practice, 9, 103 - 120
- Drew, Z.,Fulton, J.,McIntyre, P. (2022). #foodporn: examining Instagram food influencers through the systems model of creativity In: Communication Research and Practice, 8, 308 - 326
- Fulton, J.,Scott, P. (2022). Time Well Spent: ABC Journalists Reflect on Slow Journalism and the Remote Communities Project In: Journalism Practice, 16, 1597 - 1613
- Fulton, J.,Scott, P.,Biggins, F.,Koutsoukos, C. (2021). Fear or favor: Student views on embedding authentic assessments in journalism education In: International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 22, 58 - 71
- Fulton, J.,Scott, P.,Koutsoukos, C. (2020). A push from the bush: An introduction to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Remote Communities Project In: Australian Journalism Review, 42, 77 - 92
- Kerrigan, S.,McIntyre, P.,Fulton, J.,Meany, M. (2020). The systemic relationship between creative failure and creative success in the creative industries In: Creative Industries Journal, 13, 2 - 16
- Fulton, J. (2019). Media entrepreneurship: Preparing students for work in a creative profession In: Australian Journalism Review, 41, 67 - 83
1 PhD Current Supervisions