Research interests
Rather than being a specialist, Professor Robinson has contributed to multiple fields of research, and this breadth is exemplified by his publication and funding records. For example, he has succeeded in attracting competitive grant funding on topics as various as brain cell culture, music therapy, diabetes detection, effects of cardiac surgery on cognition, visual detection of hidden targets, effect of car vibrations on drowsiness, involvement of the gut microbiome in Alzheimer's disease, and the influence of milk consumption on obstructive sleep apnoea. In many instances, this funding has come from the most competitive of sources (eg. ARC, NHMRC, Department of Defence), demonstrating that Robinson's originality of thought and depth of knowledge is equal to the very best researchers in those fields.
Current areas of research involvement are: i) etiology of Alzheimer's disease; ii) role of attentional processes in driver behaviour and signal detection; iii) differential effects of A1 and A2 beta-casomorphin on the gut-brain axis.