Professor Stephen Robinson
Professor, Psychology Research
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|Health and Biomedical Sciences
Bundoora West
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Xu, J.,FARD, M.,Zhang, N.,Davy, J.,Robinson, S. (2024). Interrelatedness of steering and lateral position parameters: Recommendations for the assessment of driving performance In: Journal of Safety Research, 88, 275 - 284
- Zhang, N.,FARD, M.,Xu, J.,Davy, J.,Robinson, S. (2023). Influence of non-driving related tasks on driving performance after takeover transition in conditionally automated driving In: Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 96, 248 - 264
- Zhang, N.,Fard, M.,Davy, J.,Parida, S.,Robinson, S. (2023). Is driving experience all that matters? Drivers’ takeover performance in conditionally automated driving In: Journal of Safety Research, 87, 323 - 331
- Xu, J.,Zhang, N.,Robinson, S.,Davy, J.,FARD, M. (2023). Effects of vehicle vibration on driver alertness: a pilot study In: Inter-noise 2023, Chiba, Greater Tokyo, Japan, 20/8/2023 - 23/8/2023
- Alomri, R.,Kennedy, G.,Wali, S.,Alhejaili, F.,Zelko, M.,Robinson, S. (2022). Association between cognitive dysfunction and nocturnal peaks of blood pressure estimated from pulse transit time in obstructive sleep apnoea In: Sleep Medicine, 90, 185 - 191
- Bhuiyan, M.,FARD, M.,Robinson, S. (2022). Effects of whole-body vibration on driver drowsiness: A review In: Journal of Safety Research, 81, 175 - 189
- Zou, K.,FARD, M.,Davy, J.,Robinson, S. (2022). Detection of Distracted Driver Behaviour Using a Deep Learning Model: Influence of Camera Viewing Angle In: Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 03/10/2022–05/10/2022
- Xu, J.,Robinson, S.,Zhang, N.,Davy, J.,FARD, M. (2022). Comparison of Four Steering Angle and Lateral Position Measures of Driving Performance In: Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 03/10/2022–05/10/2022
- Alomri, R.,Kennedy, G.,Wali, S.,Alhejaili, F.,Robinson, S. (2021). Association between nocturnal activity of the sympathetic nervous system and cognitive dysfunction in obstructive sleep apnoea In: Scientific Reports, 11, 1 - 11
- Xu, C.,Owen, J.,Gislason, T.,Benediktsdottir, B.,Robinson, S. (2021). Quantitative analysis of size and regional distribution of corpora amylacea in the hippocampal formation of obstructive sleep apnoea patients In: Scientific Reports, 11, 1 - 14
- Development of A System to Control Vehicle Driver/Occupant Emotion. Funded by: IMOVE CRC from (2023 to 2026)
- Characterisation and Prevention of Vibration-Induced Drowsiness in Drivers. Funded by: ARC Discovery Projects 2021 from (2021 to 2024)
- Amyloid deposition and cognitive function in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (Brain foundation). Funded by: Brain Foundation Research Gifts Program Grant 2016 from (2018 to 2019)
- Early origins of multiple sclerosis: impact of prenatal hypoxia on developmental myelination and the capacity for myelin repair in adulthood.. Funded by: 120-MS Research Australia - Proteomics Incubator Grant 2017 from (2018 to 2019)
- Amyloid deposition and cognitive function in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (Mason Foundation). Funded by: Mason Foundation Medical and Scientific Grants 2017 from (2017 to 2019)
11 PhD Completions and 1 Masters by Research Completions3 PhD Current Supervisions