Professor Fuzheng Yang
Adjunct Professor
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
- Huo, J.,Zhou, X.,Yuan, H.,Wan, S.,Yang, F. (2023). Fast Rate-Distortion Optimization for Depth Maps in 3-D Video Coding In: IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 69, 21 - 32
- Wang, Z.,Wan, S.,Wei, L.,Yang, F. (2023). Lossless Geometry Coding Method for Dynamic Point Clouds under Octree Structure In: Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 57, 11 - 19
- Huo, J.,Du, H.,Li, X.,Wan, S.,Yuan, H.,Ma, Y.,Yang, F. (2022). Unified Cross-Component Linear Model in VVC Based on a Subset of Neighboring Samples In: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18, 8654 - 8663
- Wei, L.,Wan, S.,Yang, F.,Wang, Z. (2022). Content-Adaptive Level of Detail for Lossless Point Cloud Compression In: APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, 11, 1 - 28
- Zou, W.,Zhang, W.,Yang, F. (2021). Modeling the Perceptual Quality for Viewport-Adaptive Omnidirectional Video Streaming Considering Dynamic Quality Boundary Artifact In: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 31, 4241 - 4254
- Song, J.,Yang, F.,Zhang, W. (2019). Initial Perceived Quality Evaluation for Video Streaming Services In: IEEE Access, 7, 62265 - 62272
- Zou, W.,Yang, F.,Zhang, W.,Li, Y.,Yu, H. (2018). A framework for assessing spatial presence of omnidirectional video on virtual reality device In: IEEE Access, 6, 44676 - 44684
- Song, J.,Yang, F.,Zhou, Y.,Gao, S. (2017). Parametric planning model for video quality evaluation of IPTV services combining channel and video characteristics In: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 19, 1015 - 1029