Bachelor of Engineering (Adv Manufacturing and Mechatronics) (Honours) - Plan BH068P23

Bachelor of Engineering (Adv Manufacturing and Mechatronics) (Honours) - Plan BH068P23

Student type:
Entry score:

ATAR 80.65*

Full-time 4 years
Part-time 8 years

Commonwealth supported places

Next intake:
February, July
Melbourne City
Entry score:

See admissions

Full-time 4 years

AU$45,120 (2025 annual)

Next intake:
February, July
Melbourne City

CRICOS code: 110989A

For students who commence their study in this program from 1 January 2016 onwards, please note that some courses listed in this structure will have their course marks count toward your program's weighted average mark. Your weighted average mark will determine the honours level of your award once you have completed the program. If a course counts toward your weighted average mark, that fact will be stated in its course guide. In Enrolment Online, after you have completed your course enrolment, you will be notified which of the enrolled courses will count toward the weighted average mark.

For more information about the weighted average mark, please click here.

To graduate you must complete the following. All Courses listed may not be available each semester.

- Twenty-Two (22) core courses

- Three (3) Systems Engineering Courses

- Two (2) courses from the program option list

- One (1) University Elective

- Four (4) courses (48cp) from one of the following combinations:

Combination 1: Four (4) courses from one of the Program Minor lists or;

Combination 2: Four courses from any of the Program Minor lists or;

Combination 3: Three (3) courses from any of the Program Minor lists and One (1) University elective.

A minor is typically 48 credit points. 

The Engineering Minor Studies Courses List can be found at the end of the Program Structure. The Courses in each Minor need to be completed in the sequence listed.

Year One of Program
Students must complete a series of compulsory onboarding modules during their first semester or study period. Complete 84 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Introduction to Professional Engineering Practice12OENG1166City Campus
Digital Fundamentals12OENG1206City Campus
Engineering Science12OENG1208City Campus
Engineering Mathematics12MATH2393City Campus
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering12MIET2528City Campus
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering12EEET2249City Campus
Introduction to Engineering Design12OENG1250City Campus
ANDComplete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you have NOT completed VCE Maths Methods or VCE Specialist Maths or equivalent, you must choose Introduction to Engineering Mathematics.
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Introduction to Engineering Mathematics12MATH2395City Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics: What We Make and How We Make It12MANU2488City Campus
Year Two of Program
Complete 84 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers12MATH2414City Campus
Engineering Computing 112EEET2246City Campus
Electronics12EEET2255City Campus
Engineering Dynamics12MIET2134City Campus
Mechanics and Materials 212MIET2115City Campus
Mechanical Design 112MIET2136City Campus
Design for Assembly and Automation12MANU1175Bundoora Campus
MANU2167City Campus
ANDComplete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you have completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you must complete Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics.
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics: What We Make and How We Make It12MANU2488City Campus
Introduction to Environmental and Sustainable Systems Engineering12CIVE1186City Campus
Year Three of Program
Complete 36 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Materials Engineering12MANU1169Bundoora Campus
Automatic Control Systems12MANU1174Bundoora Campus
Mechatronic Design12MIET2362Bundoora Campus
ANDComplete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you must complete Introduction to Environmental and Sustainable Systems Engineering.
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Introduction to Environmental and Sustainable Systems Engineering12CIVE1186City Campus
Systems Engineering Principles12MIET2385City Campus
AND{Complete 48 credit points from your selected Minor Combination ORComplete 24 credit points from you selected Minor Combination and 24 credit points from the following Technical Option list.
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Advanced Materials12MIET1200Bundoora Campus
Advanced Robotics12MANU1417Bundoora Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Design12MANU2455City Campus
MANU2549Bundoora Campus
Professional Engineering Experience12OENG1165City Campus
Year Four of Program
Complete 48 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Engineering Capstone Project Part A12OENG1167City Campus
OENG1180Bundoora Campus
OENG1224Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
Engineering Capstone Project Part B12OENG1168City Campus
OENG1179Bundoora Campus
OENG1231Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
Autonomous Systems12MANU2206Bundoora Campus
Advanced Manufacturing Processes12MANU1170Bundoora Campus
ANDComplete 12 credit points from the following. However, if you completed Introduction to Engineering Mathematics in Year 1, you must complete 24 credit points from the following, instead of a University Elective.
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Sustainable Systems Design12MIET2383City Campus
Systems Engineering Principles12MIET2385City Campus
ANDComplete 12 credit points from anyUniversity Elective ANDComplete 24 credit points from your selected Minor Combination OR 24 credit points from the following Technical Option list:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Advanced Materials12MIET1200Bundoora Campus
Advanced Robotics12MANU1417Bundoora Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Design12MANU2455City Campus
MANU2549Bundoora Campus
Professional Engineering Experience12OENG1165City Campus
Minor: Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies
Complete 48 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Industry 4.012MANU2544City Campus
MANU2546Bundoora Campus
Automated System Design12MANU2230Bundoora Campus
MANU2548City Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Design12MANU2455City Campus
MANU2549Bundoora Campus
Manufacturing Systems Modelling12MANU1420Bundoora Campus
MANU2550City Campus
Computer Integrated Manufacturing12MANU1418Bundoora Campus
MANU2551City Campus
Minor: Engineering Enterprise & Project Management
Complete 48 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Building Quality Organisations and Leadership12MANU2545City Campus
MANU2547Bundoora Campus
Risk and Project Management12OENG1244City Campus
OENG1259Bundoora Campus
Innovation and Technology Management12OENG1245City Campus
OENG1260Bundoora Campus
Engineering and Entrepreneurship12OENG1246City Campus
Minor: Humanitarian Innovation
Complete 48 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Humanitarian Experiential Learning Project12OENG1164City Campus
Fundamentals of Humanitarian Innovation12OENG1252City Campus
International Development, Themes, Debates and Practice12HUSO2036City Campus
Engineering for Disaster Management, Community Resilience and Climate Action12OENG1251City Campus
Minor: Smart Construction
Complete 48 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Building Information Modelling12OENG1191City Campus
Structural Optimization and 3D Printing12OENG1189City Campus
Digital Transformation for Sustainable Construction12OENG1254City Campus
Introduction to Modular Design and Construction12OENG1255City Campus
Minor: Smart Medical Technologies
Complete 48 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Wearable Tech Devices12MIET2533Bundoora Campus
Systems Engineering and Control12OENG1247City Campus
Machine Learning in Medical Diagnostics12OENG1248City Campus
Bionic Technologies12OENG1249City Campus
Minor: Engineering Innovation & Design
Complete 48 credit points from the following:
Course TitleCredit PointsCourse CodeCampus
Engineering and Entrepreneurship12OENG1246City Campus
Engineering Industrial Design Project Part A12OENG1280City Campus
Risk and Project Management12OENG1244City Campus
OENG1259Bundoora Campus
Engineering Industrial Design Project Part B12OENG1281City Campus
aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.