Dr Maggie Williams
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
COBL|Accounting, Info Sys & Supply Chain
City Campus
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Research supervision
- Williams, M.,Cahill, D. (2020). Socio-Cultural Milieu’s Effect on Prejudicial Related-Party Transactions: Evidence from Within the Corporate Governance Setting in China In: Corporate Ownership and Control, 17, 234 - 245
- Williams, M.,Taylor, D. (2014). Measuring and explaining the extent of corporate propping transactions: evidence from China In: Global Review of Accounting and Finance Journal, 5, 76 - 92
- Williams, M.,Taylor, D. (2013). Corporate propping through related-party transactions: the effect of China's securities regulations In: International Journal of Law and Management, 55, 28 - 41
- Williams, M.,Taylor, D. (2011). Corporate propping through related party sales: The effects of regulations on the market for ownership control in China In: Proceedings of the 11th Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 8 - 12 October
1 PhD Current Supervisions2 PhD Completions
Corporate Governance, Financial reporting, Financial planning, Wealth management, Financial management, Earnings management and Managerial accounting.