Assessing the benefits of the Stream Frontage Management Program to improve river health in the Campaspe River


Coliban Water

Of interest to

Individuals and organisation, including government bodies who:

  • wish to demonstrate the value of stream frontage programs
  • are interested in finding the priority pollutants in their systems


Coliban Water has invested in the North Central Catchment Management Authority’s (NCCMA) Stream Frontage Management Program (SFMP) along the Campaspe River which aims to improve its ecological condition by improving riparian vegetation and stock exclusion. AQUEST was commissioned to undertake a five-year monitoring program to assess the benefits of the SFMP on the ecological condition of the river.

Campaspe River
Campaspe River with a tree trunk
Campaspe River with rocks along the side

Key points

  • This works monitoring program aims to show the value of investing in the SFMP to reduce nutrient enrichment and faecal contamination in the Campaspe River and to improve its ecological health
  • AQUEST uses a ‘multiple lines of evidence’ approach to understand the benefits of the SFM Program. This includes surface water physico-chemistry, nutrient and faecal analysis, aquatic macroinvertebrate survey, determination of nutrient bioavailability, water toxicity assessment and sediment and water chemistry.
  • Assessments show the Campaspe River to be generally of good quality and indicate signs of reducing nutrient inputs, particularly in the mid reaches. However, other reaches indicate multiple impacts from wastewater (treated discharges and untreated such as septic leakage), agricultural and urban runoff, poor habitat condition and unrestricted stock access.
  • The full benefits of the program are expected to be seen over time. Measurable improvements are seen at many sites, while at others, results are complicated by the surrounding residential, industrial and agricultural land-uses which create additional challenges for stream management.
  • This work supported a Coliban Region Water Corporation amendment for an operating licence regarding Kyneton WRP


Campaspe River with trees either side and a hill in the background

Stream Frontage Management Benefits for the Campaspe River

Dr. Jackie Myers @ 10ASM 2021

Completion date



For more info see the accompanying documents or contact:

#Works Monitoring #Campaspe River #Coliban Water # stream frontage management works #healthy rivers #AQUEST #RMIT

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.