To graduate you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester.
Year One of Program
Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:AND
Complete two (2) courses from the Minor Streams. The list of Minor Streams can be found after the Year Three course list. AND
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the School Options list that you have not taken or passed already. Please refer to the list of School Option courses at the end of this program structure document. AND
Year Two of Program
Complete the following Three (3) Core Courses:AND
Complete One (1) course from the Minor Streams. If you are completing a single Minor Stream, this course must be form the same Minor Stream taken in Year One. The list of Minor Streams can be found after the Year Three course list. AND
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the School Options list that you have not taken or passed already. Please refer to the list of School Option courses at the end of this program structure document. AND
Year Three of Program
Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:AND
Complete One (1) course from the Minor Streams. If you are completing a single Minor Stream, you must select the capstone course from the same Minor Stream taken in Year One & Two. The list of Minor Streams can be found after the Year Three course list. AND
Select and Complete One (1) Course from the School Options list that you have not taken or passed already. Please refer to the list of School Option courses at the end of this program structure document AND
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from:University Elective
Minor: Approaches to Popular Culture
Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses: AND
Minor: Asian Media & Culture
Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses: AND
Minor: Cinema Studies
Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses: AND
Minor: Literary Studies
Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses: AND
Minor: Contemporary Politics & Communication
Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses: AND
School Options