RMIT Professorial Academy

The RMIT Professorial Academy serve as ambassadors, advising on issues of importance to RMIT and the community, driving thought leadership and impact.

About the academy

The RMIT Professorial Academy was established in 2018 to bring together RMIT’s best minds in research, education and engagement to:

  • Serve as a source of advice on issues of importance to RMIT’s future and the communities we serve;
  • Stimulate strategic conversations across RMIT and externally through Fellows acting as Thought Leaders; and
  • Advocate and campaign for value creation and impact as Ambassadors.

The Academicians are known as Fellows of the RMIT Professorial Academy.

The Fellows have been appointed through recognition of their sustained outstanding performance and awarded with the Distinguished Professorship title before being inducted into the Academy.    

RMIT Professorial Academy Fellows Pictured left to right: Distinguished Professor Elena Ivanova, Distinguished Professor Anthony Forsyth, Distinguished Professor Rachel Caruso, Distinguished Professor Milan Brandt, Distinguished Professor Barbora de Courten, Distinguished Professor Xinghuo Yu (Chair), Distinguished Professor Magdalena Plebanski, Distinguished Professor Irene Yarovsky, Distinguished Professor Julian Thomas, Distinguished Professor Baohua Jia, Distinguished Professor Andy Ball, Distinguished Professor Suresh Bhargava, Distinguished Professor Jie Yang, Distinguished Professor Mike Xie and Distinguished Professor Tianyi Ma. Absent: Distinguished Professor Larissa Hjorth, Distinguished Professor Helen Lingard, Distinguished Professor Arnan Mitchell, Distinguished Professor Jason Potts, Distinguished Professor Ma Qian, Distinguished Professor Cuie Wen, Distinguished Professor Charlie Xue, and Distinguished Professor Leslie Yeo.

Distinguished Lectures

The RMIT Distinguished Lecture Series is sponsored by RMIT Professorial Academy (the RMIT Academy), which aims to:

  • Promote excellence in research and innovation, learning and teaching, and engagement; and
  • Engage with industry, community, business, government and the public through leading open strategic discussions on key issues of relevance to the local, Australian and global communities.

Distinguished Professor Baohua Jia

Atomaterials for Tomorrow: Building a Sustainable Future

15 October 2024, presented by Distinguished Professor Baohua Jia

"Atomaterials" represents materials with at least one dimension on the atomic scale. Their properties depend on the precise configuration of their atoms. It is a new but rapidly developing field. A typical atomaterials is graphene, which is made of carbon atoms. Unlike diamond, in which the carbon atoms form a rigid three-dimensional structure, graphene is made of a single layer of carbon atoms bonded together in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice. They show exceptional properties due to their atomaterials nature. Using atomaterials, our lab has been working on a range of innovations at various stages of development, for example, a diurnal cooling film without consuming electricity. This film can cool the environment by up to 15°C without electricity. Integrating such a film into a building can dramatically reduce the electricity used for air conditioning. This will not only save electricity bills but also reduce greenhouse emissions. Heat-absorbing film, achieving over 97% energy conversion rate with an ultrathin film arrangement. These materials play a critical role in improving energy efficiency and providing innovative, sustainable solutions for our society.

On the Origin & Nature of Digital Economies

5 August 2024, presented by Distinguished Professor Jason Potts

We are today in the early phases of a profound transition to a digital economy. In this lecture I will set out a new theory of where it came from, what it is, and why it matters. My argument is that a digital economy does not mean computers everywhere, but is the transition to digital institutions. A digital economy is a new type of economy – fundamentally different from an industrial economy – owing to the way in which these institutions (e.g. digital money and assets, digital markets, contracts and platforms) are composable to coordinate economic actions and compute value. In a digital economy 'the commons' is a far more powerful institution than in an industrial economy. This gives rise to new types of capital (as forms of 'hyperobjects'), new ways of organising production (in what we call 'contribution systems'), and new sources of property rights (as 'tokens'). The cheap new resource in a digital economy is not data per se, but rather the ability to spin-up a full stack economy from within civil society. This new institutional capability is the most disruptive factor of our time. Furthermore, alongside the technological, material and moral progress that the industrial era advanced, this leads to the prospect of institutional progress and the beginning of the end of politics.

Shaken and Stirred: The Art of Miniaturising Chemical Processes (Honey, I Shrunk the Lab!)

8 Nov 2023, presented by Distinguished Professor Leslie Yeo.

The ability to translate conventional laboratory operations, such as sample preparation and handling, reaction, separation (e.g., centrifugation) and analysis, onto low-cost portable handheld platforms offer tremendous opportunities for many applications across healthcare and environmental monitoring. Yet, miniaturising seemingly simple processes in the laboratory onto chipscale devices is not a trivial exercise, owing to the vastly different physics that dominate at small scales. In this talk, we show how a unique form of sound waves that resemble nanoscale earthquakes can be utilised to facilitate such miniaturisation, and hence the development of practical technology for medical diagnostics and therapeutics at the point-of-care, or environmental monitoring in the field.

The Federal Government's "Closing Loopholes" IR Reform Bill

31 October 2023, moderated by Distinguished Professor Anthony Forsyth.

The Albanese Government's Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill was introduced into Parliament on 4 September 2023. The Bill proposes major reforms to the regulation of platform work in Australia, including powers for the Fair Work Commission to set standards and settle disputes for employee-like workers. These are world-leading reforms which address mounting evidence that work for many in the gig economy has become unfair and unsafe. In this RMIT Distinguished Lecture Series panel discussion, our speakers will provide union, industry and policy perspectives on the likely impact of these significant reforms in the food delivery, rideshare and care sectors in particular.

The discussion will be moderated by RMIT Distinguished Professor Anthony Forsyth, whose 2022 book The Future of Unions and Worker Representation: The Digital Picket Line devotes several chapters to gig work and policy/reform proposals. Discussants:

  • Michael Kaine, National Secretary, Transport Workers Union of Australia
  • Dr Fiona Macdonald, Policy Director, Industrial and Social, Centre for Future Work (Australia Institute)
  • Neil Pharaoh, Director of Corporate Affairs for Hireup, a leading National Disability Insurance Scheme registered online platform which employs all its workers

Accelerating Materials Discovery for Better Health and Life

Tues 26 Sept 2023, presented by Distinguished Professor Irene Yarovsky.

The role of computers in our everyday life is ever increasing, from basic arithmetic to complex data analysis and major contributions to physical sciences, engineering, medicine, and business processes. We employ high performance computing to theoretically model interactions between individual atoms in natural and man-made materials to facilitate and accelerate the design and engineering of new and improved materials for optimal performance, controlled environmental responses, robustness, and safe exploitation in industrial and biomedical settings. This talk presents a historical perspective and examples of our molecular models that empowered advanced materials design in collaboration with RMIT's industry and academic research partners through an in-depth understanding of fundamental intermolecular interactions in realistic environments.

New frontiers in vaccines and nanotechnology

21 June 2023, presented by Distinguished Professor Magdalena Plebanski

Given the immune system changes with age, increased longevity often brings increased susceptibility to infections and cancer. Males and females further often show different immune system profiles in response to vaccines. 

To optimise the application of vaccines and therapies across the lifespan, we need to both understand how current vaccines work in different individuals against diseases such as COVID19 or Flu in human clinical trials, as well as defining how fundamental features of vaccine components such as nanoparticles (size, shape or protein corona), affect their interactions with the immune system. Such studies include using big data tools for studying new beneficial non-specific effects (NSEs) of vaccines. 

We further have a specific interest in helping women with ovarian cancer, the most lethal gynaecological malignancy, across the spectrum of needs, from earlier diagnosis to more effective treatments, as well as the long-term aim of developing cancer vaccines, collaborating broadly across disciplines.

The connection between metallurgy and nature

Mon 7 Nov 2022, presented by Distinguished Professor Ma Qian

Nature is the greatest metallurgist. All metals we know or use today were part of the stars in the universe at one time or another: fabricated by nature, for example through the merger of neutron stars. Metallurgy has continued to evolve from the ancient art of extracting metals from ores to materials science and engineering, which now includes the study of the physical, chemical, and aesthetic properties of metallic materials at different length scales, as well as the design and manufacture of novel metallic materials.

Today, metallurgists continue to learn the art and science of metallurgy and fabrication from nature, down to the atomic level compared to the original mythical connection, thanks to our enhanced understanding of nature.

This lecture explores the connection between modern metallurgy and nature through a series of examples, incl. Voronoi patterns, macroscopic igneous rocks, microscopic columnar crystals in 3D-printed metallic materials, and the dual role of substrate materials in ice nucleation in nature and metal solidification.

Urban design, transport, and health: Are we creating healthy and sustainable cities worldwide?

Wed 10 Aug 2022, presented by Distinguished Professor Billie Giles-Corti

This talk will describe the journey and present the results for our key questions: Do we have the city planning policies in place to deliver healthy and sustainable cities worldwide? And are there inequities in access to health-supportive environments within and between cities? Our work was recently published in The Lancet Global Health series on Urban Design, Transport and Health.  

Optical microcombs: measuring almost anything – from earthquakes and tsunamis to the gases in our atmosphere to planets of distant suns.

17 May 2022, presented by Distinguished Professor Arnan Mitchell

From accurately tracking and estimating our Google Maps journeys to using biomedical imaging to gain detailed images inside our bodies, being able to measure things precisely underpins almost everything we do. 

In 2005, two physicists were awarded the Nobel Prize for developing an approach – the optical frequency comb – to measure almost anything with unprecedented precision. This approach gave us the GPS we use on a day-to-day basis, however, it was also expected to change the way we measure many other things, from the gases in our atmosphere to the discovery of earth-like planets in distant solar systems. 

Seventeen years on, the world-changing potential of optical frequency combs remains largely untapped, mainly due to their large size and complexity. Photonic chip technology – technology that can miniaturise entire lab benches onto a chip the size of a fingernail – may hold the answer. Distinguished Professor Arnan Mitchell discusses how photonic chip optical frequency combs could lead to 3D analysis of living organisms, map and monitor the geological structure of our lands and oceans, and allow brain-like machine learning to transform the behaviour of autonomous drones and satellites. 

Ageing Futures: quality care and decent work

30 November 2021, presented by Distinguished Professor Sara Charlesworth

The crisis faced across the OECD in the provision of aged care was made visible to the broader community during the COVID-19 pandemic. In making the link between the quality of care and the working conditions of the frontline workers who provide the care, the lecture draws on a body of collaborative research conducted over the last decade. 

Funded by the Australian Research Council and the Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council these different projects provide multi-level insights into the ways in which the interaction of gendered care, employment and migration regimes can produce both unacceptable care and unacceptable forms of work. 

These research findings also point to the systemic changes required to ensure that frontline workers have the economic security and time to enable diverse cohorts of older adults to age with dignity.

Cancer, ageing and vaccines

26 October 2021, presented by Distinguished Professor Magdalena Plebanski

Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of death for women globally. Early diagnosis is key to improve survival, but there are currently no reliable screening biomarkers for early stage disease. Moreover, after initial clinical responses to first-line treatment, in most women the cancer comes back, often resistant to the first-line drug platinum.

We have found new diagnostic biomarkers, and collaborate with nano-engineers to develop innovative devices so women can in the future be easily and reliably screened at GP clinics or at home. We further work with clinicians and chemists developing new drugs and immuno-therapies to treat platinum resistant cancers.

Since most patients are older women, we further investigate the unique characteristics of the immune system of older individuals. These fundamental big data 'omics' bioinformatics studies are also providing new insights on how to optimise vaccines to protect older adults, for example against influenza and COVID19, as well as cancer itself.

Why Wi-Fi matters: the past, present and future of a social technology

8 September 2021, presented by Distinguished Professor Julian Thomas


From café culture to home schooling, remote community networks, and smart cities, Wi-Fi is an invisible but fundamental element of contemporary life. Loosely regulated, low-cost, and largely overlooked by social researchers, this technology has driven the rise of the smartphone and broadband internet, and is now a vital element in the next wave of automation. During the pandemic, household Wi-Fi has been critically important for connected households, enabling new ways of working from home and maintaining social links.
At the same time, the closure of libraries, campuses and other public Wi-Fi locations has exacerbated disadvantage for people without ready access to the internet. This talk reviews the history of wi-fi, showing how a technology originally designed to connect cash registers came to play an important social role. It describes Wi-Fi’s immediate prospects, including its relations to high speed 5G cellular services, and its possible longer-run social futures, which may hinge upon its uniquely decentralised and inclusive capabilities for automation.

Transforming Australia's Biosolids Industry: advancing the next generation of waste

25 May 2021, presented by Distinguished Professor Andy Ball

The ARC Training Centre for the Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource, based at RMIT’s West Bundoora Campus, brings together Australia’s leading biosolids researchers and key industry and government stakeholders to advance the management, transformation and reuse of biosolids in agriculture.
The Centre's focus is 1) capability and knowledge building, 2) research development, extension and training, and 3) sustainable strategic partnerships.
The expected outcomes of the Centre are to develop a group of new, highly-trained industry-ready researchers, and advanced solutions in three major themes: improved technologies, enhanced products, and sustainability. This will provide significant benefits in the economic value of new applications and market opportunities as well as deliver cost-savings – all in an environmentally friendly manner. This presentation will examine the rationale and expectations of the 5-year research and training program.

Managing workers’ health and safety in complex supply networks: The construction industry experience