
Information about elected positions on University bodies.

Elections for staff and student elected positions on Academic Board and RMIT Council are administered by the Returning Officer. These elections are usually held in the third quarter each academic year. Student members are elected on an annual basis, and staff members are elected biennially or in the case of Council, every three years.

Nomination submission process for University elections

Upon the commencement of the election period, the Returning Officer will issue a call for nominations to the relevant electorate/s. As required by the Elections Regulations, the call for nominations will set out details of the vacancy, nomination and voting time frames, and will contain a unique link to access the online nomination form.

All eligible persons may self-nominate.

Eligibility to nominate

Electoral rolls comprise members eligible to participate in elections and are constituted based on requirements imposed on elected positions as set out within the RMIT Act 2010 (PDF 342kb), the Academic Board Regulations and resolutions of Council. In the event a person is not included within the electoral roll for an election, and the person believes they are entitled to be included, the matter should be referred to the Returning Officer via email to elections@rmit.edu.au.

Candidate’s statement

Prospective candidates complete the online form and, if desired provide a candidate’s statement of not more than 350 words within the advertised timeframe. Candidate statements will not be accepted after the close of the nomination period.

Close of nominations

Upon conclusion of the nomination period, the Returning Officer will verify candidate eligibility and notify eligible candidates via their RMIT email accounts as to whether an election is required. Where the number of nominations does not exceed the number of positions to be filled, the Returning Officer will declare the candidate or candidates elected and cause a notice to this effect to be posted on the University elections page.

Withdrawal period

A nominee may, no later than three (3) days following the close of nominations withdraw their nomination in writing to the Returning Officer via elections@rmit.edu.au.


Where the number of nominations exceeds the number of positions to be filled, a poll will be conducted (see how to vote). The Returning Officer will provide notice of a poll to all eligible voters via email.

Casting your vote

In the event of a contested election, the Returning Officer will give notice of a ballot, including details of how, where, and when voters may cast their vote.

Votes once cast are entirely de-identified so that it is not possible for any person to determine how a particular elector cast their vote. Vote counting does not commence until polling has concluded.

Voting systems

Where one candidate is to be elected, the method of voting is optional preferential. Enter the number 1 against the candidate who is your first preference. You may then number the remaining candidates to indicate an order of preference. The vote will not be valid unless the number 1 is entered against the name of a single candidate; it is not compulsory to rank all candidates.

Where more than one candidate is to be elected, the method of voting is proportional representation. You must rank all candidates in order of preference. The vote will not be valid unless a number is entered against the name of each candidate.

The method of voting will be noted on the ballot paper. See the Elections Regulations for further information on the electoral process.


Where a ballot is conducted electronically, technical assistance may be sought by contacting the Service and Support Centre.

All other matters concerning the electoral process should be directed to the Returning Officer via email to elections@rmit.edu.au.

Close of voting

Upon conclusion of the voting period, the Returning Officer will determine the results of the poll and notify candidates within two business days via RMIT email accounts.

Declaration of elected candidates and the distribution of votes will be published on the University elections page.

Elections process

Whenever an election is to be held, the Returning Officer issues a notice of election and call for nominations to the relevant electorate. This page is the primary channel for RMIT election-related information.

The Returning Officer conducts a ballot where the number of nominations for a vacancy exceeds the number of positions to be filled.

The requirements governing the conduct of RMIT Council and Academic Board elections as University Elections are set out within the Elections Regulations. Elections for other Boards or committees may also be governed by the provisions of the regulation where they have been determined by the Vice-Chancellor or the University Secretary to be University Elections. Contact the Returning Officer by email to elections@rmit.edu.au for further advice on determinations.

What the elected positions involve

RMIT Council is the governing body of the University; its responsibilities are set out within the RMIT Act 2010 (PDF 342kb) and include oversight and review of the management, performance and corporate activities of the University. Visit the RMIT Council page for further information on Council and its committees.

The Academic Board is the peak academic body of the University, with statutory responsibility for making recommendations to Council on the delivery of programs and development of academic policies and procedures in higher education and vocational education. Visit the Academic Board page for further information on the Board and its committees.

Elected staff and student members of RMIT Council and the Academic Board are not elected as representatives of their electorates. Rather, members bring a much valued staff and student perspective to the deliberations of these high-level governing bodies of the University.

The role of University Secretary

The University Secretary or nominee plays a central governance role in the management of elections across the university. In practice, the University Secretary nominates a senior official with relevant expertise to conduct elections for the University.

Privacy statement

RMIT University collects, retains and discloses your information including your name, student or staff ID number, and any candidate information (statement and photograph) provided, through the election process for the purpose of identifying candidates for eligibility to participate in selected elections. If you submit a statement and/or photograph as part of your nomination, these will be provided to the electorate to assist them with voting. Candidates may amend their information or withdraw their nomination in writing to elections@rmit.edu.au. For further information on how we handle personal information, please refer to the RMIT Privacy Statement.


The Returning Officer, University Elections can be contacted via email to elections@rmit.edu.au.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.