Guang Zeng

I am Guang, a PhD candidate at RMIT University. I used to work as a rare metals engineer in the Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research (NIN) in China, and received my first bachelor’s degree of Material Science and Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU).

ALUMNUS – Current LinkedIn profile including contact details.

In 2017, I started my PhD research into novel, fast manufacturing approaches for depositing unique, biocompatible titanium-tantalum (Ti-Ta) structures. These unique structures were made by a solid-state processing technique – ‘cold spray’ – and offer a promising solution to manufacturing implantable Ti-Ta structures in a fast and cost-effective way. I am an energetic and creative researcher, hoping to benefit our human society a little bit through my research.

Image of Guang Zeng
  • Powder manufacture (Plasma Rotating Electrode Processing) for titanium spherical powder and super alloy powder (IN 718)
  • Powder metallurgy (Hot Isostatic Pressing)
  • Metallography analysis
  • Microscopy analysis (Scanning Electron Microscopy, confocal microscopy)
  • Focused Ion Beam - Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM)
  • Cell culture   
  • Senior Engineer Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research (2015.12-2017.01, Xi’an, China)
  • Senior Engineer (Sino-Euro Material Technologies Co.), Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research (2013.08-2015.12, Xi’an, China)
  • Marketing Manager Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research (2010.07-2013.08, Xi’an, China) 
  • Senior Supervisor: Prof Ivan Cole (RMIT University)
  • Associate Supervisor: Dr Xiao-Bo Chen (RMIT University)
  • Associate Supervisor: Dr Saden Zahiri (CSIRO)
  • Associate Supervisor: Mr Stefan Gulizia (CSIRO) 
  1.  Z. Guang, M. Xiaonan, Z. Yongqing, H. Chaowen, L. Shujin, H. Zhiyu, Y. Fei, Z. Pingxiang, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Hot Isostatic Pressed Parts of Ti-6Al-4VELI Alloy Spherical Powders with Three Different Diameter Distributions, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 46(11) (2017) 3197-3203.
  2. 曾光, 白保良, 张鹏, 梁书锦, 韩志宇, 陈小林, 张平祥, 球形钛粉制备技术的研究进展, 钛工业进展 32(1) (2015) 7-11.
  3. 曾光, 韩志宇, 梁书锦, 张鹏, 陈小林, 张平祥, 金属零件 3D 打印技术的应用研究, 中国材料进展 33(6) (2014) 376-382.
  4.  曾光, 朱梅生, 王瑞欣, 谢翀博, 纯钛挤压管坯内表面缺陷分析, 真空与低温 (2) (2013) 113-116.
  5. 曾光, 李子全, 周衡志, TiNi/ZnO 复合智能薄膜的制备及性能研究, 稀有金属材料与工程 39(8) (2010) 1447-1450.
  6. 曾光, 李子全, 周衡志, 董亚军, 衬底温度对射频磁控溅射制备 Ti-Ni 合金薄膜的影响, 稀有金属材料与工程 37(A04) (2008) 523-527.
  7. 白保良, 曾光, 戚运莲, 洪权, 朱梅生, Ti-600 合金蠕变性能及硅对其蠕变性能的影响, 钛工业进展 31(4) (2014) 24-27.
  8. 韩志字, 曾光, 梁书锦, 陈小林, 张鹏, 张平祥, 镍基高温合金粉末制备技术的发展现状, 中国材料进展 33(12) (2014) 748-755.
  9. 周衡志, 李子全, 曾光, 胡孝昀, 陈建康, 纳米 CeO2/Zn-4.5 Al-RE-Mg-Ti 的复合搅拌制备工艺研究, 稀有金属材料与工程 39(3) (2010) 534-537.
  10. 徐伟, 韩志宇, 梁书锦, 曾光, 张鹏, 陈小林, 俄罗斯粉末高温合金生产工艺, 粉末冶金技术 33(6) (2015) 455-459.
  11. 张英明, 段启辉, 韩明臣, 倪沛彤, 郭金明, 曾光, 朱梅生, 董亚军, 热处理对 TC18 钛合金丝显微组织与力学性能的影响, 钛工业进展 28(2) (2011) 23-25.

Translations to the publications

  1. Zeng, Mao, Zhao, Huang, Liang, Han, Yan & Zhang. Microstructures and mechanical properties of Hot Isostatic Pressed parts of Ti-6Al-4VELI alloy spherical powders with three different diameter distributions. Rare Metal Materials & Engineering, 2017, 46 (11): 3197-3203 (SCI)
  2. Zeng, BL. Bai, P. Zhang, SJ. Liang, ZY. Han, XL, Chen, PX. Zhang. Creep property and influence of silicide on the creep property for Ti-600 alloy. Research progress on producing spherical titanium powder. Titanium Industry Progress, 2015, 32(1): 7-11
  3. Zeng, Han, Liang, Chen, Zhang & Zhang. The applications and progress of manufacturing of metal parts by 3D printing technology. Materials China, 2014, 33(5): 267-274
  4. Zeng, MS. Zhu, RX. Wang, CB. Xie. Analysis on internal surface pits of extruded pure titanium tubes. Vacuum & Cryogenics, 2013, 19(2): 113-116
  5. Zeng, Li & Zhou. Research on preparation and properties of TiNi/ZnO intelligent thin films. Rare Metal Materials & Engineering, 2010, 39(8): 1447-1450 (SCI)
  6. Zeng, Li & Zhou. Influence of in situ heating on TiNi shape memory alloy thin films deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering. Rare Metal Materials & Engineering, 2008, 37(10): 523-527 (SCI)
  7. Bai, Zeng, Qi, Hong & Zhu. Creep property and influence of silicide on the creep property for Ti-600 alloy. Titanium Industry Progress, 2014, 33(8): 24-27
  8. Han, Zeng, Liang, Chen, Zhang & Zhang. Development in powder production technology of Ni-based superalloy. Materials China, 2014, 33(5): 267-274
  9. Zhou, Li, Zeng, Hu & Chen. Research on combination stirring fabrication technology of nano-CeO2/Zn-4.5Al-RE-Mg-Ti composites. Rare Metal Materials & Engineering, 2010, 39(3): 534-537 (SCI)
  10. Xu, Han, Liang, Zeng, Zhang & Chen. Powder metallurgy superalloys quality optimization measures in Russia. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 2015, 33(6): 455-459
  11. Zhang, Dong, Zeng, Han & Zhu. Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of TC18 titanium alloy wire. Titanium Industry Progress, 2011, 28(4): 23-25
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RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.