Professor Brendan Barrett
Adjunct Professor
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
City Campus
1 PhD Completions
Urban planning, Urban policy-making, Urban environmental management, Urban sustainability, Smart and low carbon citites, Urban energy systems, Climate change, Energy security, Local environmental governance
- Barrett, B.,Horne, R.,Fien, J. (2021). Ethical Cities, Routledge, United Kingdom
- Barrett, B.,Horne, R. (2017). Local energy plans for transitions to a low carbon future In: Planning After Petroleum: Preparing Cities for the Age Beyond Oil, Routledge, New York, United States
- Barrett, B. (2016). Innovative approach to the formation and sustainability of a learning community connecting students in university classrooms across Asia Pacific In: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education: Volume 2, Emerald Group Publishing, United Kingdom
- Barrett, B.,Horne, R.,Fien, J. (2016). The ethical city: A rationale for an urgent new urban agenda In: Sustainability, 8, 1 - 14
- Barrett, B.,Notaras, M.,Smith, C. (2014). Communicating scientific research through the web and social media: Experience of the United Nations University with the Our World 2.0 web magazine In: Geoscience Research and Outreach: Schools and Public Engagement - Innovations in Science Education and Technology Volume 21, Springer, Netherlands
- Barrett, B.,Higa, C.,Ellis, R. (2012). Emerging university student experiences of learning technologies across the Asia Pacific In: Computers and Education, 58, 1021 - 1027
- Ellis, R.,Barrett, B.,Higa, C.,Bliuc, A. (2011). Student experiences of learning technologies in the Asia Pacific region In: Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20, 103 - 117