Professor Michael Berry
Emeritus Professor
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
City Campus
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Research supervision
- Housing markets, economic productivity, and risk: International evidence and policy implications for Australia -- Administered by University of Sydney. Funded by: AHURI National Housing Research Program Grants 2014 from (2014 to 2015)
- Enhancing affordable housing investment via a social housing guarantee (PRO/53019). Funded by: AHURI National Housing Research Program Grants pre-2014 from (2013 to 2014)
- Investigative Panel on a Socially Sustainable Housing System. Funded by: AHURI National Housing Research Program Grants pre-2014 from (2010 to 2011)
- Other countries' policy initiatives to meet the housing needs of asset-poor older persons: implications for Australia - AHURI Project 30563. Funded by: AHURI National Housing Research Program Grants pre-2014 from (2009 to 2010)
- AHURI Top-up Scholarship - Bronwyn Meyrick. Funded by: AHURI Top-Up Scholarship (part of the National Housing research Program) pre- 2014 from (2009 to 2012)
7 PhD Completions
Housing markets and policy; environmental economics and policy; urban social theory; economics and public policy; urban development processes.
- Berry, M. (2020). The strange death of neoliberalism In: Journal of Australian Political Economy, 2020, 44 - 50
- Berry, M.,Engels, B. (2018). Global Prospects: The Asian Century? In: The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England
- Berry, M. (2017). Morality and Power, Edward Elgar, United Kingdom
- Gurran, N.,Phibbs, P.,Yates, J.,Gilbert, C.,Whitehead, C.,Norris, M.,McClure, K.,Berry, M.,Maginn, P.,Goodman, R. (2015). Housing markets, economic productivity, and risk: international evidence and policy implications for Australia - Volume 1: Outcomes of an investigative panel In: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), 1, 1 - 101
- Gurran, N.,Phibbs, P.,Yates, J.,Gilbert, C.,Whitehead, C.,Norris, M.,McClure, K.,Berry, M.,Maginn, P.,Goodman, R.,Rowley, S. (2015). Housing markets, economic productivity, and risk: international evidence and policy implications for Australia - Volume 2: Supplementary papers In: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), , 1 - 116
- Berry, M. (2014). Housing Provision and Class Relations Under Capitalism: Comment on Christophers and Aalbers In: Housing, Theory and Society, 31, 395 - 403
- Berry, M. (2014). Neoliberalism and the city: Or the failure of market fundamentalism In: Housing, Theory and Society, 31, 1 - 18
- Berry, M. (2014). Mike Berry's response In: Housing, Theory and Society, 31, 48 - 53
- Jacobs, K.,Berry, M.,Dalton, T. (2013). 'A dead and broken system?': 'insider' views of the future role of Australian public housing In: International Journal of Housing Policy, 13, 183 - 201
- Berry, M. (2013). The affluent society revisited, Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom