Professor Cameron Duff
Deputy Dean, Research & Innovation
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Waters-Lynch, J.,Duff, C. (2024). Learning under lockdown: sensing, feeling and learning to work from home In: Journal of Organizational Ethnography, , 1 - 16
- Parkinson, L.,Duff, C.,Wang, Y.,Mills, J. (2024). Australian regional cancer nurses’ experiences of burnout during 2019–2021 In: Collegian, , 1 - 8
- Parkinson, L.,Duff, C.,Wang, Y.,Mills, J. (2023). Australian cancer nurses’ experiences of burnout: Exploring the job demands and job resources of metropolitan cancer nurses during 2019–2020 In: Health Care Management Review, 48, 61 - 69
- Duff, C. (2023). The ends of an assemblage of health In: Social Science and Medicine, 317, 1 - 8
- Stroh, T.,Mention, A.,Duff, C. (2023). The impact of evolved psychological mechanisms on innovation and adoption: A systematic literature review In: Technovation, 125, 1 - 19
- Sultan, A.,Duff, C. (2022). The line of vulnerability in a recovery assemblage In: International Journal of Drug Policy, 107, 1 - 9
- Andrews, G.,Duff, C. (2022). Opening out ageing: On the entropy of all things In: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47, 666 - 681
- Duff, C.,Hill, N.,Blunden, H.,Valentine, K.,Randall, S. (2022). Connecting Housing, Health, and Social Supports for People Leaving Treatment In: Cityscape, 24, 307 - 322
- Andrews, G.,Gorman, R.,Duff, C.,Woodward, K. (2022). Speed and space: Rates of motion in health and wellbeing In: Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3, 1 - 11
- Stroh, T.,Mention, A.,Duff, C. (2022). How do psychological factors affect innovation and adoption decisions? In: International Journal of Innovation Management, 26, 1 - 42
- Inquiry into supporting pathways in a social housing system (administered by UNSW). Funded by: Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute (AHURI) - Competitive from (2023 to 2024)
- The role of outcomes-based frameworks in policy innovation in social housing provision. Funded by: Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute (AHURI) - Competitive from (2022 to 2024)
- Social housing pathways by policy co-design: opportunities for tenant participation in system innovation (led by Swinburne University of Technology). Funded by: Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute (AHURI) - Competitive from (2022 to 2023)
- Borderline Personality as Social Phenomena. Funded by: ARC Linkage Project Grants 2019 from (2021 to 2024)
- Leaving Rehab: Enhancing Transitions into Stable Housing. Funded by: AHURI Research Grants 2019 (CAT 1 Generic) from (2019 to 2021)
Note: Supervision projects since 2004
5 PhD Current Supervisions and 1 Masters by Research Current Supervisions9 PhD Completions and 1 Masters by Research Completions
Social entreprenurship and social enterprise, Organisational theory, Public health, Urban renewal, Innovation, Digital health, At-risk youth, Housing and homelessness, Mental health promotion