Nicholas Hill
Visiting Fellow
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
City Campus
- Johnson, K.,Hill, N.,Lee, V.,Bernasochi, A.,McGrath, M. (2023). Understanding LGBTQA+SB suicidal behaviour and improving support: insight from intersectional lived experience. In: Suicide Prevention Australia Melbourne, Australia
- Hill, N.,Johnson, K. (2022). Inclusive Research with LGBTIQA+ Groups In: Handbook of Social Inclusion. Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences, Springer, Switzerland
- Duff, C.,Hill, N. (2022). Wellbeing as social care: On assemblages and the ‘commons’ In: Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3, 1 - 7
- Duff, C.,Hill, N.,Blunden, H.,Valentine, K.,Randall, S. (2022). Connecting Housing, Health, and Social Supports for People Leaving Treatment In: Cityscape, 24, 307 - 322
- Hill, N. (2021). Happiness as an Affective Practice: Self, Suffering and Biography In: Researching Happiness: Qualitative, Biographical and Critical Perspectives, Bristol University Press, Bristol, United Kingdom
- Johnson, G.,Duff, C.,Scutella, R.,Hill, N. (2021). Leaving rehab: enhancing transitions into stable housing In: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Melbourne
- Maylea, C.,Katterl, S.,Johnson, B.,Alvarez-Vasquez, S.,Hill, N.,Weller, P. (2021). Consumers' experiences of rights-based mental health laws: Lessons from Victoria, Australia In: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 78, 1 - 10
- Duff, C.,Randall, S.,Hill, N.,Martin, C.,Martin, R. (2021). Enhancing the coordination of housing supports for individuals leaving institutional settings In: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Melbourne
- Maylea, C.,Makregiorgos, H.,Martin, J.,Alvarez-Vasquez, S.,Dale, M.,Hill, N.,Johnson, B.,Thomas, S.,Weller, P. (2020). Independent Mental Health Advocacy: A Model of Social Work Advocacy? In: Australian Social Work, 73, 334 - 346
- Hill, N. (2020). “It’s the soul that needs the surgery”? The social life of (un)happiness In: Critical Happiness Studies, Routledge, Abingdon, United Kingdom
- Equally Well Healthtalk: Physical Health Among People with Lived Experience of Mental Illness online resource.. Funded by: National Mental Health Commission from (2020 to 2023)