Associate Professor Rosalie Holian
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
City Campus
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Research supervision
10 PhD Completions and 1 Masters by Research Completions
Decision making, organisational psychology, management education, business ethics.
- Coghlan, D.,Holian, R. (2021). Insider Action Research as Leadership-as-Practice In: Organization Development Review, 53, 13 - 17
- Holian, R. (2016). The Emperor's new clothes: Learning how to deal with the undiscussable In: Dark Sides of Business and Higher Education Management Volume 1, Business Expert Press, New York
- Holian, R.,Coglan, D. (2015). Action research for HRD research In: Handbook of Research Methods on Human Resource Development, Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom
- Holian, R. (2015). Work, career, age and life-stage: assumptions and preferences of a multigenerational workforce In: Labour and Industry, 25, 278 - 292
- Coghlan, D.,Holian, R. (2015). The dissertation: Contributing to practical knowing In: A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management, Sage, United Kingdom
- Ku Daud, K.,Holian, R.,Zhang, J. (2014). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the public sector: a study of a 'closed' government agency In: International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 362, 5 - 5
- Holian, R.,Coghlan, D. (2013). Ethical issues and role duality in insider action research: challenges for action research degree programmes In: Systemic Practice and Action Research, 26, 399 - 415
- Holian, R. (2013). Reducing the perceived ethical uncertainty of insider action research In: From Theory to Practice; Context in Praxis: 8th Action Learning, Action Research and 12th Participatory Action Research 2010 World Congress Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia, 6-9 September 2010
- Holian, R.,Hutton, B.,Bellamy, S. (2013). How older workers are defining new terms of 'retirement' In: The International Journal of Aging and Society, 2, 77 - 88
- Brydon-Miller, M.,Coghlan, D.,Holian, R.,Maquire, P.,Stoecker, R. (2010). Covenantal ethics for action research: Creating a new strategy for ethical review In: Proceedings of 8th World Congress 2010: Participatory Action Research and Action Learning, Melbourne, Australia, 6-9 September 2010