Alison Bennett

Dr Alison Bennett

Senior Lecturer in Photography

Image of many long brown, reflective material forming a wave starting at the top end of the banner, to the bottom right. Plain white background.
Alison Bennett profile photo. They are taking a photo of themselves with a cell phone while wearing glasses

Contact details

DSC | School of Art

Imaging Futures Lab (Co-lead)

CAST Contemporary Art and Social Transformation Research Group - Queer(y)ing Creative Practice (Theme Leader)

Phone: +61 39925 6248

Campus: Melbourne City


More information

Alison Bennett profile photo. They are taking a photo of themselves with a cell phone while wearing glasses

Contact details

DSC | School of Art

Imaging Futures Lab (Co-lead)

CAST Contemporary Art and Social Transformation Research Group - Queer(y)ing Creative Practice (Theme Leader)

Phone: +61 39925 6248

Campus: Melbourne City


More information

Dr Alison Bennett is a senior lecturer in photography at RMIT School of Art specialising in expanded photography, webXR, queer and feminist creative practices.


Dr Alison Bennett is a senior lecturer in photography at RMIT School of Art specialising in expanded photography, webXR, queer and feminist creative practices.

Dr Bennett is the School of Art Associate Dean Photography, supervises candidates in the PhD, Master of Photography and Bachelor of Arts (Photography) (Honours) programs; and teaches Digital Imaging Strategies course in the School of Art Masters suite.

They are co-lead of the Imaging Futures Lab, and co-lead of Queer(y)ing Creative Practice within CAST Contemporary Art and Social Transformation research group.


Industry experience

Dr Bennett is a founding member of, a Melbourne-based collective of queer identifying artist working in digital media.

They have been a member of the Gertrude Street Projection Festival Artistic Advisory Committee since 2018 and served on a number of selection panels for the Midsumma Festival mentorship programs, including the Midsumma Pathways, a nine-month mentorship program for LGBTQIA+ artists with disability; and acted as a mentor in 2018. Dr Bennett was a judge for the Midsumma Festival Contemporary Art Prize in 2021 and a judge for the Centre for Contemporary Photography Salon 2020 awards. In early 2021, Dr Bennett served as a member of the Australia Council for the Arts Digital Advisory Group.



Dr Bennett's research is firmly located within the emerging field of expanded photography, also known as imaging futures, post-photography, 21st century photography, and computational photography. Their work contributes to understanding and testing the emerging dynamics of photography diffused with ubiquitous computing. Expanded photography includes the expansion of photography from an isolated two-dimensional frame to a spatialized three dimensional field; and the shift from print to the accessible networked mesh of online presentation. As a photographic artist, Dr Bennett has established a reputation for innovative practice-led research that contributes to the evolving understanding of photography in the 21st century.

Research keywords

Photography, Post-photography, Expanded Photography, 21st Century Photography, Photography 4.0, Photogrammetry, WebXR

Research output summary








Supervisor interest areas

  • Expanded photography
  • Post-photography
  • 21st century photography
  • Intersections with queer and feminist creative practices

Supervisor projects

  • Isabella Capezio: Bodies beyond the skin - How do we image/imagine queer landscapes through photography in the 21st century?
  • Liss Fenwick: Marginal Territories: Photography, liminality, and the frontier
  • J Rosenbaum: How do machines perceive gender? A study in gender and aesthetics of computer perceptions of humanity.
  • Nirma Madhoo: Augmented Constructions of the Fashion Body in New Media
  • Greg Penn: Hybrid interactions: the shaping of consciousness


  • Zoe Bastin: Becoming (Again and Again): Transforming Patriarchal Hierarchies of Bodies and Objects Within Dance and Sculptural Practice, 2020

Feature publications

Queering virtual reality with drag realness: a case study of a creative investigation

Refractory Journal of Entertainment Media, Vol. 30

Bennett A, & Beckwith, M (2018).

Skin to Skin

Augmented Reality Art, Springer Series on Cultural Computing, p.161-174

Vincs, Bennett, McCormick, Vincent & Hutchinson, (2018).

Inverto. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology

Issue No. 7

Bennett, A., (2015).

Key publications by year

Selected Exhibitions

  • Bennett, A (2021). [six works], INSIDE ELANDS curated by Dr Rey, The Lock Up, Newcastle.

Selected Exhibitions

  • Bennett, A. (2020). ‘Blossom Spheres’. Ars Electronica Kepler’s Garden, Austria, 2020; ‘Strange Space’, Centre for Projection Art, Melbourne, 2021.
  • Bennett, A. (2020). ‘Tinning Street Experiment’, The New Abnormal, RMIT Gallery.



  • Bennett, A. (2020). ‘Bowen Street Point Cloud‘, collaboration with Dr Nilsalam, RMIT Creative Student Life.
  • Bennett, A. (2020). 'Turning In', webXR, West Projections Festival.

Selected Exhibitions

  • Bennett, A. (2019). ‘SKIN’. Federation Square Digital Façade, Melbourne Fringe, 2019; ‘Epicentre’, the wrong new digital art biennale, Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània Valencia, 2019.



  • Bennett, A. (2019). 'SKIN’, Digital Façade of Federation Square, Melbourne Fringe Festival.

Book Chapters

  • Vincs, Bennett, McCormick, Vincent & Hutchinson, (2018). ‘Skin to Skin’, in Augmented Reality Art, Springer Series on Cultural Computing, p.161-174.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Bennett A, & Beckwith, M (2018). ‘Queering virtual reality with drag realness: a case study of a creative investigation‘, Refractory Journal of Entertainment Media, Vol. 30


Selected Exhibitions

  • Bennett, A. (2018). ‘ Black Box Experiment’, Experimenta Social & Melbourne Art Week.

Selected Exhibitions

  • 2017, ‘I am looking in a room’, video loop, West Projections Festival, Trocadero Gallery.
  • Bennett, A. (2017). ‘muliebrity’, 3d anaglyph video loop. muliebrity & other collaborations, Kingston Arts Centre, 2017 (solo); Hidden Agenda’, Trocadero Gallery, 2017.



  • Bennett, A. (2017). ‘I am looking in a room’, four channel video loop data-projection, West Projections Festival.
  • Bennett, A. (2017). ‘muliebrity: the female gaze’, 3d anaglyph video, commissioned by Kingston Arts.

Selected Exhibitions

  • Bennett, A. (2016). ‘Reworlding (Elizabeth)’, by Bennett, Penn, Martino & Royal.
    Conditional Surplus, Channels Festival, Fed Square, 2017; Lumen Prize long list, V&A Digital Futures 2017; CROSSROADS, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2017; PLAY, BLINDSIDE, 2017; Salon, CCP, 2016.

  • Bennett, A. (2016). ‘Virtual Drag’, VR by Bennett, Beckwith & Payne.
    VR Lab, Rencontres Internationales, Musée du Louvre, 2019; Scottish Queer International Film Festival, 2018; Kaleidoscope VR 360 video channel,, 2017; Encounters, Bristol, 2017; CinemaQ, Shanghai, 2017; DiGRA, Swinburne, 2017; Videonale, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, 2017; MELT, Brisbane, 2017; Twist 360, Seattle, 2016; 360Vision (mobile app), Screen NSW, 2016; Kaleidoscope Showcase, London, New York, Berlin, Los Angeles, Seoul, San Francisco, 2016; UNIT, Berlin, 2016; MQIFF, ACMI, 2016; Kaleidoscope, Melb, 2016; Testing Grounds, Midsumma, 2016.

Selected Exhibitions

  • Bennett, A. (2014). ‘INVERTO’.
    Out is Out, Wyndham Art Gallery, 2020; Incinerator Art Award, Incinerator Gallery, 2018; QUEERTECH.IO = ART(URL, IRL); Midsumma, Melt, Sydney Mardi Gras, BLINDSIDE Play, FedTV, 2017; Homeostatis Lab, The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale, 2015; Salon, CCP, 2015; Gendered Perspectives, Harman Centre Gallery, USA, 2015; FILE, Brazil, 2015; Midsumma Testing Grounds, 2015 (solo exhibition); Forever Now, MONA FOMA, 2015

Feature projects

Blossom Spheres

Dr Alison Bennett


Virtual Drag

Funded by the Australia Council for the Arts

VR by Dr Alison Bennett, Dr Megan Beckwith & Mark Payne.



Dr Alison Bennett & AJ Kearns


Key projects by year

  • 2021 Blossom (vegetal/digital), photogrammetry point-clouds, Verge Gallery, University of Sydney, Jan 2022
  • 2021, ‘INSIDE ELANDS’, curated by Dr Una Rey, The Lock Up, Newcastle, 16 Apr – 30 May 2021.
    Review by Keri Glastonbury in Artlink July 2021.
  • A Strange Space’ co-curated by Edwina Bartlem and Jacob Tolo for the Centre for Projection Art and the 2021 Midsumma Festival, Melbourne, 22-25 April 2021

  • 2020, ‘Bowen Street Point Cloud‘, webXR point cloud collaboration with Dr Yazid Ninsalam, commissioned by RMIT Creative Student Life
  • 2020, ‘Blossom Spheres’, photogrammetry point cloud webXR
  • ‘FastLab Biomes Performance Experiment’ curated by Dr Rewa Wright in Ars Electronica Kepler’s Garden, Austria, 9-13 September 2020
  • 2020, Tinning Street Experiment, The New Abnormal, RMIT Gallery 18 June – 2018 August 2020
  • 2020, The Image Looks Back curated by Dr Alison Bennett, Associate Professor Shane Hulbert, Dr Rebecca Najdownski, & Professor Daniel Palmer, RMIT Gallery for PHOTO FESTIVAL
  • Out is Out, curated by Megan Evans & Caroline Esbenshade for Midsumma Festival, Wyndham Art Gallery, 6 February – 8 March 2020

  • 2019, SKIN: neuroqueer entanglement’, moving image loop, commissioned by Melbourne Fringe
  • Federation Square Digital Façade, Melbourne Fringe Festival, 12-29 September 2019
  • Epicentre’, curated by systaime and David Quiles Guillo for the wrong new digital art biennale, Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània Valencia, 1 Nov 2019 – 1 Mar 2020 (Private site)
  • 2019, ‘Neuroqueer’ interview for QR Code podcast, 3CR
  • Interview with Fareed Kaviani about the SKIN project, ‘Neuroqueer and tattoos: entangled and disembodied‘, Archer Magazine 12 Nov 2019

  • Scottish Queer International Film Festival 2018
  • Incinerator Art Award: Art for Social Change award, Incinerator Gallery, 13 Oct – 25 Nov 2018

  • 2017, ‘I am looking in a room’, four channel video loop data-projection
  • West Projections Festival, Trocadero Gallery Studio Windows, 11-27 Aug 2017
  • 2017, ‘muliebrity: the female gaze’, 3d anaglyph video loop, commissioned by Kingston Arts for Midsumma Festival
  • Hidden Agenda: An exploration of hidden & suppressed gender worlds, Trocadero Artspace, 22 Feb – 10 Mar 2017
  • muliebrity & other collaborations, Kingston Arts Centre, 20 Jan – 25 Feb 2017 (solo exhibition)
  • 2016, ‘Reworlding (Elizabeth)’, online interactive collaborative work made by Bennett, Penn, Martino & Royal
  • Conditional Surplus, Channels Festival, Fed Square Big Screen, 1-10 Sept 2017
  • Lumen Prize long list announced at V&A Digital Futures 11 Jul 2017
  • CROSSROADS: The photon doesn’t give a damn, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 21 May 2017
  • An Act of Showing, Testing Grounds, 17 – 31 May 2017
  • PLAY, BLINDSIDE, 2 Jan – 12 Feb 2017

  • 2016, ‘Reworlding (Elizabeth)’, online interactive collaborative work made by Bennett, Penn, Martino & Royal
  • Salon, Centre for Contemporary Photography, 25 Nov – 17 Dec 2016, Innovative Use of Digital Media award
  • 2016, Virtual Drag: serving VR realness, virtual reality artwork made with Megan Beckwith & Mark Payne, supported by The Australia Council for the Arts.
  • Twist 360, Seattle, USA, Oct 2016
  • #SHEMAKES by Geek Girl Academy, 10 Sept 2016
  • 360Vision (mobile app), Screen NSW, 2016
  • Kaleidoscope Showcase, London, New York, Berlin, Los Angeles, Seoul, San Francisco, 2016
  • UNIT Festival, Berlin, 16 Apr 2016
  • Melbourne Queer Film Festival, ACMI, 4 & 10 Apr 2016
  • Kaleidoscope World Tour of VR, Melbourne, 12 Apr 2016
  • Storia Salon presented by VRTOV as a satellite to the AIDC, 2 Mar 2016
  • Kingston Arts Centre Pop Up Lab program organised by Media Lab Melbourne, 12 Feb 2016
  • Testing Grounds, Midsumma Festival, 1-7 Feb 2016 (solo exhibition)

  • Homeostatis Lab, The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale, 1 Nov 2015 – 31 Jan 2016
  • Salon, Centre for Contemporary Photography, portraiture award, Dec 2015
  • Gendered Perspectives: an investigation into contemporary identities, Harman Centre Gallery, Bradley University, Chicago IL USA, 19 Nov – 10 Dec 2015
  • FILE Electronic Language International Festival, Brazil, Jun – Jul 2015
  • Midsumma Testing Grounds, 29 Jan – 8 Feb 2015 (solo exhibition)
  • Forever Now launch, MONA FOMA & broadcast into space, 18 Jan 2015

  • 2014, Inverto, 24 photographs taken monthly over two years.
    Featured on ABC TV Australian Story ‘From Daddy’s Tummy’ & international viral media coverage including New York Times. Inverto #19 won the CCP Salon Portraiture prize & was included in the Guardian’s best Australian photographs of 2015.
  • Wyndham Cultural Centre, Melbourne, 2 Sep – 3 Nov 2014 (solo exhibition)
  • Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery, Victoria, 18 Jul – 24 Aug 2014 (solo exhibition)
  • Theorizing the Web, New York City, Apr 2014
  • 10×8 Gallery, Sydney, 25 Feb – 9 Mar 2014 (solo exhibition)

  • 2013, Shifting Skin, giclee prints with augmented reality overlay.
    International viral media coverage includes Mashable, ABC TV News & Augmented Reality Art Springer textbook.
  • Deakin University Art Gallery, Melbourne, 24 Jul – 31 Aug 2013 (solo exhibition)


Bowness Photography Prize, Monash Gallery of Art, Finalist

Award date: 2018

Recipients: Alison Bennett

Incinerator Art Award: Art for Social Change award, Incinerator Gallery, Finalist

Award date: 2018

Recipients: Alison Bennett

Lumen Prize, V&A Digital Futures, Long list

Award date: 2017

Recipients: Alison Bennett

Key awards by year

  • 2020 School of Art Community of Practice Award for Online Innovation

  • 2019 Martin Cantor Portrait Prize, Ballarat International Foto Biennale, Finalist

  • 2018 Bowness Photography Prize, Monash Gallery of Art, Finalist
  • 2018 Incinerator Art Award: Art for Social Change award, Incinerator Gallery, Finalist

  • 2017 Lumen Prize, V&A Digital Futures, Long list

  • 2016 Innovative Use of Digital Media Award, Centre for Contemporary Photography Salon

  • 2015 Portraiture Award, Centre for Contemporary Photography Salon

Public and media engagements


Keynote and Plenary Conference Papers

  • 2020 PHOTO IDEAS: SIMULATION Keynote by Alison Bennett, part of PHOTO IDEAS Feb 2021

Public Lectures, Seminars and Presentations

  • 2021 Femmes & Thems CAST symposium (convenor)
  • 2021 Seeing Queerly: Art & Queer Representation, RMIT Pride Week Panel
  • 2021 ART + TECH: Gertrude Street Projection Festival Panel
  • 2021 Generator Symposium (convenor), RMIT Imaging Futures Lab

Reports, Ministerial Addresses and Consulting

  • Australia Council for the Arts Digital Advisory Group 2021

Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Glastonbury 2021, ‘Inside Elands’, Artlink’


Public Lectures, Seminars and Presentations

  • 2020 Salon Judges Speak, Centre for Contemporary Photography 2020 Salon


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Kaviani 2019 ‘Neuroqueer and tattoos: entangled and disembodied‘, Archer Magazine Nov


Keynote and Plenary Conference Papers

  • 2017 Virtual Life’s a Drag: Queering VR [panel], SXSW Interactive, Austin TX


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Weeks 2015, ‘Best Australian Photographs of 2015’, The Guardian
  • Maloney, A 2015, ‘AJ Kearns, Australian transgender man’, New York Times
  • Cohen, J 2015, ‘AJ Kearns in photographs: The father who gave birth’, ABC News
  • Sainty, L 2015, ‘This Man Postponed His Gender Transition To Have A Baby’, Buzzfeed
  • Cohen, J 2015, ‘From Daddy’s Tummy’, Australian Story, ABC TV, 10 Aug 2015, 
  • Cahill, H 2015, ‘Can science remove gender boundaries completely?’, Dazed & Confused, UK, 26 Feb 2015.
  • Bennett, A 2015, ‘Inverto. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology', No.7.
  • Bennett, A 2014, [photographs of transgender teenagers], The Ally Project,


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Dore, M 2014, ‘art and architecture plays with reality’, ArtsHub, 7 Nov 2014 
  • Wright, R 2014, ‘From the Bleeding Edge of the network: Augmented Reality and the ‘Software Assemblage’, POSTSCREEN: Device, Medium & Concept conference, Lisbon, 6 Nov 2014.
  • Bennett, A 2014, [artist talk & tattoo scanning workshop], Wyndham Art Gallery, 25 Oct 2014.
  • Mitchell, L 2014, ‘Seeing Tatts in a different light’, Wyndham Star Weekly 10 Sept 2014.
  • 2014, ‘Augmented Reality tattoo artworks at Wyndham Art Gallery’, Digital Meets Culture (Italy) 2 Sept 2014
  • Bennett, A 2014, [artist talk], OpenLAB, Media Lab Melbourne 5 Oct 2014
  • Bennett, A 2014, [tattoo scanning workshops & artist talk], Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery 23 Aug 2014.
  • Wilson & Kenny 2014, ‘Your Weekend’, The Age, 1 Aug 2014.
  • 2014, [Shifting Skin], evening news report, WIN TV News coverage, Jul 2014.
  • 2014, [Interview about Shifting Skin], ABC Local Radio: Mildura – Swan Hill, Jul 2014.
  • Burnside, N 2014, ‘Virtual tattoos come to life’, The Guardian, 18 Jul 2014.
  • Bennett, A 2014 ‘Persona’, M/C Journal, 25 Jun 2014, 
  • Vincs, Bennett, McCormick, Vincent & Hutchinson, 2014, ‘Skin to Skin: Performing Augmented Reality’, in Augmented Reality Art, Springer Series on Cultural Computing, p.161-174
  • Collins, A 2014, [Shifting Skin], ABC TV evening news bulletin, 25 Feb 2014.
  • Collins, A 2014, ‘Tattooed technology exhibit gets under the skin as part of Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras visual arts festival’, ABC News Online, 27 Feb 2014
  • Fairly, G 2014, ‘Skin comes alive as tattoos rise as 3D landscapes’, ArtsHub, 25 Feb 2014, 


Selected Media Statements/Interviews


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Nelson, R 2009, ‘Perpetual pirouette is a novel spin' [surveying the field review], The Age, 22 Jul 2009 p.14
  • Taylor, C 2009, ‘Alleykat: shooting star‘, 4 Aug 2009.


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Craswell, P 2008,‘To Occupy’ [review], indesign magazine Nov 2008.
  • Knudsen, S 2008, ‘To Occupy’ [review], un magazine. Volume 2 Issue 2.
  • Baumbart, M 2008, ‘Verticalism’, Artichoke Issue 24.


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Bennett, 2007, [Cover & internal images], antiTHESIS journal Vol.17 2007.


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

  • Nelson, R 2006, [review of Making Hay], The Age 15 Nov 2006.
  • Bennett, A 2006, ‘Dereliction and the space between’, antiTHESIS symposium, Melbourne University, 7 Jul 2006.
  • Drew, P 2006, ‘Honouring the Landscape’ [review of Woolsheds & Shearers Quarters], Indesign magazine, Feb 2006.


Selected Media Statements/Interviews


Selected Media Statements/Interviews

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.