Professor Bill Moran
Professor (Research Focussed)
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Engineering
City Campus
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Research supervision
- Li, W.,Jelfs, B.,Kealy, A.,Wang, X.,Moran, B. (2021). Cooperative localization using distance measurements for mobile nodes In: Sensors, 21, 1 - 18
- Wang, X.,Kealy, A.,Li, W.,Jelfs, B.,Gilliam, C.,Le May, S.,Moran, B. (2021). Toward autonomous uav localization via aerial image registration In: Electronics, 10, 1 - 15
- Angley, D.,Mehrkanoon, S.,Moran, B.,Gilliam, C.,Simakov, S. (2021). Improving Automated Search for Underwater Threats Using Multistatic Sensor Fields by Incorporating Unconfirmed Track Information In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2021), Montreal, Canada, 11-13 August 2021
- Melatos, A.,Clearwater, P.,Suvorova, S.,Sun, L.,Moran, W.,Evans, R. (2021). Hidden Markov model tracking of continuous gravitational waves from a binary neutron star with wandering spin. III. Rotational phase tracking In: Physical Review D, 104, 1 - 33
- Gabela, J.,Kealy, A.,Hedley, M.,Moran, B. (2021). Case study of Bayesian RAIM algorithm integrated with Spatial Feature Constraint and Fault Detection and Exclusion algorithms for multi-sensor positioning In: Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 68, 333 - 351
- Sun, S.,Wang, X.,Moran, B.,Rowe, W. (2020). A hidden semi-Markov model for indoor radio source localization using received signal strength In: Elsevier Signal Processing, 166, 1 - 12
- Yang, Y.,Moran, B.,Wang, X.,Brown, T.,Williams, S.,Pan, Q. (2020). Experimental analysis of a game-theoretic formulation of target tracking In: Automatica, 114, 1 - 10
- Gabela, J.,Kealy, A.,Li, S.,Hedley, M.,Moran, B.,Ni, W.,Williams, S. (2019). The Effect of Linear Approximation and Gaussian Noise Assumption in Multi-Sensor Positioning through Experimental Evaluation In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 19, 10719 - 10727
- Sun, S.,Wang, X.,Moran, B.,Hourani, A.,Rowe, W. (2019). Radio Source Localization Using Received Signal Strength in a Multipath Environment In: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2019), Ottawa, Canada, 2-5 July 2019
- Asif, A.,Sithamparanathan, K.,Evans, R.,Moran, B. (2019). Summated Singular Vectors Based Passive Bi-static RADAR Detection In: Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP 2019), Weihai, China, 28 - 30 September 2019
- Space Jeopardy and Response (S-JAR) (Administered by Dept. of Defence). Funded by: SmartSat CRC from (2022 to 2022)
- INDEX: Intention and Explanation for Fusion of Uncertain, Noisy, and Dynamic Spatial Data. Funded by: Next Generation Technologies Fund from (2022 to 2022)
- Smart Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves with Advanced LIGO (Administered by The University of Melbourne). Funded by: ARC Discovery Projects via other University Grant 2016 from (2017 to 2019)
- Localization of a wireless transponder in a vehicular environment. Funded by: ARC Linkage Grant 2015 Round 1 from (2016 to 2019)
- Autonomous Search Based on Sparse Cues. Funded by: Defence Science Institute Grant 2015 from (2016 to 2017)
1 PhD Current Supervisions4 PhD Completions
Engineering, Statistical signal processing and information theory, Optimization, Sensor scheduling, Radar and Sonar, Mathematics, Number theory, Representation theory, Harmonic analysis