Dr Jackie Myers
Research Fellow
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Science
Bundoora West
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Pettigrove, V.,Hassell, K.,Gough, C.,Hoskin, S.,Macmahon, D.,Myers, J.,Nguyen, H.,Walpitagama, M. (2023). Catchment sourcing urban pesticide pollution using constructed wetlands in Melbourne, Australia In: Science of the Total Environment, 863, 1 - 9
- Myers, J.,Rose, G.,Odell, E.,Zhang, P.,Bui, A.,Pettigrove, V. (2022). Household herbicide use as a source of simazine contamination in urban surface waters In: Environmental Pollution, 299, 1 - 10
- Myers, J.,Kellar, C.,Ahmed, W.,Pettigrove, V. (2021). Long-term monitoring to assess the benefits of stream frontage management to ecological condition of the Campaspe River, Victoria Australia In: Proceedings of the 10th Australian Stream Management Conference, 2-4 August 2021, virtual, 2-4 August 2021
- Myers, J.,Long, S.,Pettigrove, V.,Tewman, M.,Osakwe Adakporia, K. (2020). Effects of chemicals frequently used by Melbourne Water in and around waterways on aquatic ecosystems and human health In: RMIT University ( AQUEST), Aquatic Pollution Prevention Partnership (A3P), Melbourne Water Melbourne, Australia
- Gaw, S.,Harford, A.,Pettigrove, V.,Hassell, K.,Myers, J., et al., . (2019). Towards Sustainable Environmental Quality: Priority Research Questions for the Australasian Region of Oceania In: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 15, 917 - 935
- Hassell, K.,Allinson, M.,Myers, J.,Townsend, K.,Chinathamby, K.,Miranda, A.,Shanthanagouda, A.,Nugegoda, D.,Allinson, G.,Pettigrove, V. (2019). Victorian report on endocrine disruption research - May 2018 In: Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 16, 151 - 162
- Morris, L.,Colombo, V.,Hassell, K.,Kellar, C.,Leahy, P.,Long, S.,Myers, J.,Pettigrove, V. (2017). Municipal wastewater effluent licensing: A global perspective and recommendations for best practice In: Science of the Total Environment, 580, 1327 - 1339
- Saaristo, M.,Myers, J.,Jacques-Hamilton, R.,Allinson, M.,Yamamoto, A.,Allinson, G.,Pettigrove, V.,Wong, B. (2014). Altered reproductive behaviours in male mosquitofish living downstream from a sewage treatment plant In: Aquatic Toxicology, 149, 58 - 64
- Kellar, C.,Hassell, K.,Long, S.,Myers, J.,Golding, L.,Rose, G.,Kumar, A.,Hoffmann, A.,Pettigrove, V. (2014). Ecological evidence links adverse biological effects to pesticide and metal contamination in an urban Australian watershed In: Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 426 - 439
- Wightwick, A.,Bui, A.,Zhang, P.,Rose, G.,Allinson, M.,Myers, J.,Reichman, S.,Menzies, N.,Pettigrove, V.,Allinson, G. (2012). Environmental fate of fungicides in surface waters of a horticultural-production catchment in southeastern Australia In: Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 62, 380 - 390
- Exploring Unseen Threats: Contaminant Trends and Impacts in Port Phillip Bay. Funded by: Port Phillip Bay Fund from (2024 to 2027)
- Long Term Intervention Monitoring Project: Goulburn River Selected Area - Stage 2 (Administered by University of Melbourne). Funded by: Department of the Environment and Energy - Grant from (2019 to 2019)
- The Pesticide Detectives: national assessment of pesticides in waters. Funded by: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - Citizen Science Grants from (2018 to 2021)
3 PhD Current Supervisions