8 results found for "DESIGN"
Level of study
Interest area
Bachelor of Justice and Criminology (Honours) - RMIT University
Set yourself apart with an honours degree in justice and criminology. Conduct research and be mentored by experts who teach courses in the Melbourne CBD.
Associate Degree in Legal Practice (Paralegal) - RMIT University
Learn to identify and analyse legal concepts and principles and develop the skills required to apply business practices in a legal context.
Bachelor of Criminology and Psychology - RMIT University
Study the intersection between criminology and psychology in a course that covers the fundamentals of forensic studies, policing, youth justice and crimino
Bachelor of Criminal Justice - RMIT University
Discover how justice systems interact with law enforcement, explore human rights and global crime, and work on real cases as part of your study.
Bachelor of Laws - RMIT University
Becoming a global, technology focussed lawyer for a changing world.
Bachelor of Legal and Dispute Studies - RMIT University
Learn about the social, political and ethical aspects of law and develop skills in law and alternative dispute resolution practices.
Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws - RMIT University
Become a well-rounded accounting and legal professional with this immersive and challenging double degree in accounting and law.
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business - RMIT University
Tailor your study to your interests with this comprehensive and flexible double degree in the Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business.
1 - 8 of 8 results