487 results found for "short courses"
Student type
Course in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk - RMIT University
Build a foundational understanding of the complex issues around family violence and risk.
Course in Working Safely in the Solar Industry - RMIT University
Gain the skills you need to pursue a career in solar.
Preparation for Casual Relief Teaching - RMIT University
Designed to equip you with the skills required to effectively perform as a casual relief teacher.
Introduction to Translating Skill Set - RMIT University
This online short course has been developed to help you prepare for the NAATI Certified Translator test.
Introduction to Translating and Interpreting Skill Set - RMIT University
This online short course has been developed to help you prepare for the NAATI Certified Provisional Interpreter and Certified Translator test.
Introduction to Interpreting Skill Set - RMIT University
The Introduction to Interpreting Skill Set creates a range of opportunities for you to apply your knowledge and skills.
Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing - RMIT University
Explore writing and editing through a professional and creative lens, and gain highly transferrable skills essential to a career in writing.
Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles - RMIT University
Are you interested in a career in fashion or clothing production?
Cloud Implementation and Maintenance Skill Set - RMIT University
Learn to address the skills and knowledge required to manage cloud computing solutions within organisations.
System and Network Plus Technician Skill Set - RMIT University
Engage in study to prepare you to work in the exciting field of computer systems and network support technicians, and pave the way to future study in ICT.
1 - 10 of 487 results