6 results found for "engineer"
Level of study
Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping - RMIT University
Develop your accounting and bookkeeping skills in our simulated small business practice firm environment.
Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician - RMIT University
Gain the practical and theoretical components required to complement practical work as an electrical apprentice.
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation - RMIT University
Prepare for university and take pathway to further education for those who haven't studied for some time.
Certificate IV in Cyber Security - RMIT University
The Certificate IV in Cyber Security provides in-depth learning into protecting organisations from data breaches.
Certificate IV in Instrumentation and Control - RMIT University
Gain the skills and knowledge required to pursue your instrument or electrical apprenticeship, or upskill to become a dual tradesperson.
Certificate IV in Surveying and Spatial Information Services - RMIT University
Learn how to capture, process and present electronic data, and gain practical experience with industry-standard equipment to support land surveying.
1 - 6 of 6 results