1132 results found for "engineer"
Leading engineer and RMIT alumnus Dr Collette Burke is Victoria’s first Chief Engineer.
Leading engineer and RMIT alumnus Dr Collette Burke is Victoria’s first Chief Engineer.
Banned, flammable cladding on Melbourne’s buildings should be removed as a matter of urgency, according to British engineer Dame Judith Hackitt DBE.
From Melbourne to Munich and beyond, meet three RMIT women working in STEM in Germany.
Banned, flammable cladding on Melbourne’s buildings should be removed as a matter of urgency, according to British engineer Dame Judith Hackitt DBE.
Professor Brian Falzon has been appointed Director of RMIT’s Space Industry Hub in Melbourne.
RMIT students recently worked with international group The Cambodian Space Project, helping to record and mix songs for their upcoming album.
Professor Brian Falzon has been appointed Director of RMIT’s Space Industry Hub in Melbourne.
A leading RMIT researcher has been recognised for bringing high impact engineering solutions to the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Researchers have shown how a by-product of steel making could be used to both treat wastewater and make stronger concrete, in a zero-waste approach.
1 - 10 of 1132 results