102 results found for "short courses"
Level of study
Course in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk - RMIT University
Build a foundational understanding of the complex issues around family violence and risk.
Course in Working Safely in the Solar Industry - RMIT University
Gain the skills you need to pursue a career in solar.
Introduction to Translating Skill Set - RMIT University
This online short course has been developed to help you prepare for the NAATI Certified Translator test.
Introduction to Translating and Interpreting Skill Set - RMIT University
This online short course has been developed to help you prepare for the NAATI Certified Provisional Interpreter and Certified Translator test.
Introduction to Interpreting Skill Set - RMIT University
The Introduction to Interpreting Skill Set creates a range of opportunities for you to apply your knowledge and skills.
Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing - RMIT University
Explore writing and editing through a professional and creative lens, and gain highly transferrable skills essential to a career in writing.
Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles - RMIT University
Are you interested in a career in fashion or clothing production?
Cloud Implementation and Maintenance Skill Set - RMIT University
Learn to address the skills and knowledge required to manage cloud computing solutions within organisations.
System and Network Plus Technician Skill Set - RMIT University
Engage in study to prepare you to work in the exciting field of computer systems and network support technicians, and pave the way to future study in ICT.
Course in Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence - RMIT University
Recognise experiences of sexual violence and provide trauma-informed responses to survivors.
1 - 10 of 102 results