9 results found for "DESIGN"
Level of study
Interest area
Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations) - RMIT University
Get accredited to work in medical radiations by studying this 4-year course. Specialise in either medical imaging, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy.
Bachelor of Criminology and Psychology - RMIT University
Study the intersection between criminology and psychology in a course that covers the fundamentals of forensic studies, policing, youth justice and crimino
Bachelor of Biomedical Science - RMIT University
From cells to systems, discover biomedical science. Gain practical skills and knowledge in anatomy and physiology, biochemistry and microbiology.
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - RMIT University
This pharmaceutical science degree will equip you for a career in the pharmaceutical industry. Study both the science and business of developing new drugs.
Bachelor of Health Science/Bachelor of Applied Science (Osteopathy) - RMIT University
Become an osteopath and provide treatment plans and advice on exercise, posture, nutrition and more.
Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) - RMIT University
Explore human experience and behaviour with this people-focussed, hands-on degree that allows you pursue a career that makes a difference.
Bachelor of Youth Work and Youth Studies - RMIT University
Youth workers develop and facilitate programs for young people that address their social, behavioural, health, welfare and developmental needs.
Bachelor of Psychology - RMIT University
Learn about human behaviour, gaining in-depth knowledge of developmental, cognitive, biological and social psychology and research methods. Enquire today.
Bachelor of Nursing - RMIT University
The Bachelor of Nursing will enable you to engage in clinical practice and explore a range of nursing specialisations.
1 - 9 of 9 results