38 results found for "DESIGN"
Student type
Level of study
Diploma of Product Design - RMIT University
Do you have a passion for design and problem-solving? Study this product design course and learn how you can develop products from concept to market.
Diploma of Interior Design - RMIT University
Join the field of interior design and explore modern and historical approaches colour, materials, interior construction, furniture, and more.
Diploma of Graphic Design - RMIT University
Stand out from the crowd with your design skills. Hone your skills in graphic communication.
Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Content Creation and Design) - RMIT University
Want to forge a career in animation and game design?
Diploma of Screen and Media (Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects) - RMIT University
Start your journey to become a highly skilled screen and media designer.
Diploma of Information Technology - RMIT University
Learn about programming, web development (PHP and content management systems), operating systems, networking, database modelling and implementation.
Diploma of Fashion Styling - RMIT University
Make your mark globally in the fashion industry with the only nationally-accredited fashion styling diploma in Australia.
Diploma of Business (Public Relations) - RMIT University
Public relations (PR) specialists build brand reputation and maintain positive relationships with external clients, customers and stakeholders.
Diploma of Surveying - RMIT University
Extend your knowledge with practice with digital technologies and surveying tools that map and display information from multiple databases..
Diploma of Applied Technologies - RMIT University
Explore this highly technical field and develop transferable skills that can take you into new and exciting industries.
1 - 10 of 38 results