102 results found for "postgraduate"
Level of study
Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs - RMIT University
With alcohol and drug courses at RMIT, you can improve your work with people with complex care needs. This diploma is ideal for current community workers.
Course in Working Safely in the Solar Industry - RMIT University
Gain the skills you need to pursue a career in solar.
Course in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk - RMIT University
Build a foundational understanding of the complex issues around family violence and risk.
System and Network Plus Technician Skill Set - RMIT University
Engage in study to prepare you to work in the exciting field of computer systems and network support technicians, and pave the way to future study in ICT.
Cloud Implementation and Maintenance Skill Set - RMIT University
Learn to address the skills and knowledge required to manage cloud computing solutions within organisations.
Course in Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence - RMIT University
Recognise experiences of sexual violence and provide trauma-informed responses to survivors.
Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business - RMIT University
Turn your drive and ambitions into skill, and learn how to grow ideas into an exciting and functioning new business.
Certificate IV in Instrumentation and Control - RMIT University
Gain the skills and knowledge required to pursue your instrument or electrical apprenticeship, or upskill to become a dual tradesperson.
Diploma of Interpreting (Spoken Language) - RMIT University
RMIT is celebrating 40 years of interpreter courses. Learn language interpreting skills from industry experts in this Diploma of Interpreting.
Certificate III in Carpentry - RMIT University
Take on expert training for carpentry apprentices, and covers residential and commercial applications.
1 - 10 of 102 results