1142 results found for "short courses"
An Australia-first pilot training program in gender equity has been deemed a success, with six short courses developed by RMIT and Women’s Health.
Modelling by RMIT researchers shows reconfiguring Melbourne’s bus routes to a grid network could save outer suburban commuters up to 15 minutes of travel t
Despite their good intentions, cities rarely have the full set of skills and capabilities to turn their plans into a reality
Modelling by RMIT researchers shows reconfiguring Melbourne’s bus routes to a grid network could save outer suburban commuters up to 15 minutes of travel t
The lunar mission 50 years ago kicked off an age of innovation that underpins science and tech today - Moonshot investigates the big ideas in the sector
New online courses help urban planners to tackle air pollution
RMIT to deliver Auslan courses on Victorian government's free TAFE list
RMIT has launched a new dual-focus qualification for community service workers who deal with domestic and family violence.
RMIT’s College of Vocational Education launches new Course in Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence
Lead released when people fire weapons at shooting ranges creates such a health risk that lead bullets should be phased out, according to new research.
1 - 10 of 1142 results